When we reach the Lincoln, Damon’s there to greet us. The guy looks like he’s still up from the night before “You’re not going to like it,” he says as we head out to the pool.
“How bad?”
“Nothing permanent, just a mess.” He sighs as he reaches the door.
“Did you go home last night?”
“Crashed here. Had to call in extra muscle to clear everything out. Took us too fucking long.”
“You’re a good man. Go take the rest of the day off and get some sleep. Be here tomorrow at the usual time.”
Damon hesitates. “You sure, boss?”
“Go on, we’ll be fine.”
He looks relieved as he stalks off.
Isabel gives me a look. “You never gave me a break, you know.”
“You didn’t have to clear out a pina colada-fueled rager.”
“True, but I had to do worse. You made me do your laundry.”
I snort as we survey the madness.
Damon was right. Nothing’s permanently broken. No smashed light fixtures, broken diving boards, destroyed concrete, nothing like that.
But plenty of trash. Plastic cups, cans, and the shredded remains of fake palm trees cover the ground. Several chairs float in the pool. It looks like a hurricane ripped through.
“This is going to be a problem,” I say.
“I’m honestly impressed.” Isabel picks up the bottoms to a woman’s bathing suit. “How’d this even happen?”
“Allison.” I rub my face with both hands. “I’m tempted to go up there and give her hell for this.”
“Don’t.” Isabel tosses the bottoms away, making a grossed-out face. “Seriously, where’s the top? Was some girl walking around bottomless? Just a naked vagina?”
“She’s going to plan more parties like this.” I walk through the wreckage, tallying up the damage in my head. This is going to cost a lot. “The hotel can’t afford it.”
“The bar was really busy. Maybe that’ll offset this mess?”
“I’m going to pay a full crew to get this place cleaned up. Then we’ll have to replace everything that got ruined. Chairs, a couple cabanas, some landscaping. Nothing serious, but it all adds up.”
“We’ll talk to her, but wait until later.”
I’d rather make the girl sit through my lecture while she’s hungover, but I suspect she’ll feel like shit no matter when I head up there.
We do another circuit before heading inside. “Go talk to the head of housekeeping and have her start making some calls. We need at least ten people out there, maybe more.”
“Got it. I’ll also have maintenance put in orders for the chairs and start doing what they can about the cabanas.”
“You’re a dream.” I say it without thinking. Isabel’s eyebrows raise in surprise. “I just mean, you’re doing a good job.”
“You’ve never, in all the time we’ve worked together, said anything remotely like praise before.”
“Should I just insult you instead?”
“Honestly, yes, at least I’m used to that.”
“You’re impossible to please,” I say then put a finger to my lips. “Actually, scratch that. I know one easy way to please you. Should we head to the sauna?”
“I really regret it already.” She sighs, walking away.
“Is that a yes?” I watch her go, grinning to myself. I’ve been smiling a lot lately, and it’s strange. Despite this shitty situation we’re in, I’ve been having a blast.
I head up to my office. My receptionist isn’t in yet, which is fine. I sit behind my desk as my cell phone starts to ring. I glance at the screen and Adler’s number comes up, which makes sense—it’s later in the day on the East Coast.
“Hello, brother. You do realize how early it is over here?”
“You’re always up.” He sounds like he’s in a good mood, which is a first. “I spoke with Leyland. I figured you’d want to hear it right away.”
“What did that asshole have to say for himself?”
“Well, the rumor’s out there.”
“I knew that already.”
Adler grunts in reply. “Yes, true, and his people have been spinning their counter-narrative.”
“How’s that going?”
“Surprisingly well. Turns out, most people didn’t really care to begin with, and all it took was just a little mud to make the whole thing seem too sketchy to get upset over.”
“They’re figuring this out already?”
“It’s a work in progress, or so I’m told, but Leyland seemed optimistic. He told me to tell you that so long as you keep his daughter locked down for a few more weeks, you’re in good shape.”
I lean back in my chair. I should say something—but nothing comes to mind.
This is good news.
Or at least it should be.
But all I can think about is my fake marriage to Isabel, and how if the Allison garbage blows over quickly, we won’t need to continue with the charade.
It’ll fade, and so will our fake marriage.
Which I don’t want.
“Conlan?” Adler sounds annoyed. “I just gave you a stay of execution and you’re not saying anything.”
“Right. No, that’s great, I appreciate you letting me know.”
“Tell your assistant for me. I’m sure she’ll be relieved. Can’t imagine what the poor girl is going through.”