He steps closer, reaches around my back, and unhooks my bra.
I try to cover myself, but he gently moves my arms.
“No hiding,” he says and kisses my neck. He moves me back until I’m sitting on a bench, and he kneels down between my legs.
He’s so big that we’re on eye level now.
“Should I be the one to say this is a terrible idea or are you going to say it?” I ask.
He kisses my neck, my collarbone. It feels so freaking good I could scream. The heat gets deeper and deeper as steam seeps into the air. I shiver, but not from cold. Desire pools between my legs.
I won’t be able to hide how much I want him.
Not after this.
“You can say it all you like.” He kisses my breasts, licks my nipples, sucks them hard and bites. I gasp, back arching. The first bead of sweat forms on my skin. He licks it off. “I won’t care.”
“You’re not going to stop? Even if I told you this is going to make things awkward between us?” I whimper softly. “You know we still have to be fake husband and wife after this.”
“I won’t believe you.” He unzips my jeans and pulls them off. I lift my hips and let him. “Or maybe I just won’t care.”
“Are these the same lines you always use?”
I can tell he doesn’t like that. “No, this is only for you. I need you to understand that, Isabel.”
“Come on, Conlan. Don’t pretend like this anything except convenience.”
“You are the least convenient woman I’ve ever had in my life. You think this is easy for me? Getting down on my knees, worshipping you like this?”
“You’re not worshipping me. You’re just trying to get what you want.”
“I’m trying to give you what you want. There’s nothing convenient about any of this.”
“I live in your house. I’m your wife and your assistant. We’re around each other all the time. How’s that not convenient? You want to fuck me, but you don’t like me.” I’m saying the words, and part of me hopes they’re true. That would make things so much easier.
But I’m not sure I believe myself.
“You’re right,” he says, kissing me again. I lean back and let him, because how can I stop at this point? Con’s sweating too, beautiful and glistening, his muscles shining. I want to lick him too, but he’s lavishing all this attention on me, and I love it. “I don’t like you.”
A little arrow rips through my chest.
“Then why not stop?” I whisper. “You can have sex any time you want with prettier girls than me. You can get off without the complications.”
He grunts as he kisses my belly button. “You’re so damn stuck-up. You know that?”
“Don’t try to make this about me.”
“Nothing’s ever good enough. No matter what I do, you’re always judging.”
“Please, I just have standards.”
“No, you hold yourself above everyone else. You have impossible ideas about how a person’s supposed to act. You might not say it, but I notice the looks you give me. We can’t all be so buttoned up.”
“I’m buttoned up? I’m mostly naked in a sauna with you. I’m letting you kiss me. You think I’m buttoned up?”
“Yes, I do. You’re jealous of the girls I bring home because you wish you could be more like them, but you’re not.”
“Right, totally, that’s me.”
“You’d rather be the one in my bed. But you also wish you weren’t so inhibited.”
I bite my lip. He’s right about that, actually. I do wish I could turn off the voice in my head that’s always telling me to be careful, to make sure I don’t embarrass myself. Even though I’m aware nobody’s looking at me and nobody cares, I still can’t help it.
But then I see this parade of girls moving through Conlan’s life, many of whom don’t seem to care about anything at all. They live, they do what they want, fuck who they want, and have a good time. They’re not worried about anything but what feels good.
I want that.
Meanwhile, I’m stuck in the past, unable to move on and unable to get out of my own head.
“Okay, you’re not so wrong about that,” I admit, moving my hips as he comes up to kiss my neck. His palm finds my pussy, cupping it over my panties. I let out a sharp breath as a jolt of pleasure runs down my spine. “But here I am, making bad choices. Are you proud?”
“Not really.”
“I sense a double standard.”
“I’m no good,” he says, biting my lip and fisting my hair. He stares into my eyes. “You haven’t figured that out yet, but you will. I’m bad for you, bad for everyone. Letting me touch you like this isn’t going to lead anywhere good.”
“Might lead somewhere nice in the short-term. Maybe that’s all I need right now.”