Their parents had never provided the stability that Susan and Bob did. Partying in the world’s hotspots, Dane’s parents had left their kids with indifferent nannies, while Dane and Ava had given their younger siblings all the care they could. How often had he begged his mom and dad to take all the kids with them? Yet, every time, his parents had returned alone to Europe’s playgrounds and the ski slopes of Vail or Chamonix or the Swiss Alps. They’d been risk-takers, and in the end, risk had won.

It was no wonder his brothers and sisters were still single. They’d never known a parent’s love or witnessed real love and commitment.

They’d all been stunted. While they’d reached for the stars in their careers, none of them had ever found the kind of loving relationship Dane saw in abundance at this table. He wasn’t sure any of them would know what to do if the perfect partner came along.

He looked at this impressive Maverick bunch, with the recent additions of Gideon Jones and Cal Danniger to the fold. Each had found a love that surpassed anything Dane had ever imagined. When a Maverick looked at his lady, it was as if love enveloped her. It shone out of their eyes. It softened their features. They might be ruthless men in business, but with the women they brought into their lives, they were compassionate, caring, loving, and loyal.

It could only be due to Bob and Susan Spencer’s upbringing. It was the love the couple had felt for the lost boys they’d brought into their family, equal to that for their biological children, Daniel and Lyssa. They’d raised this family in a poor Chicago neighborhood when times must have been unfathomably tough. Yet they’d forged an extraordinary bond with their love and raised extraordinary men and women.

He didn’t see the Spencers ever leaving their boys behind, even if they’d had the money to travel. And now, they’d moved halfway across the country from Chicago to join the family on the West Coast. They were fixtures in their children’s lives. To their foster sons, they weren’t Susan and Bob, but Mom and Dad.

Dane also had an unbreakable bond with his brothers and sisters. He could call on any of them night or day, and they would be there, just as he would be there for them. They weren’t just siblings, they were best friends.

But there was so much more out there for all of them. The Mavericks had it. And Dane wanted it with every fiber of his being. He wanted it for all of them.

And for Cammie too.

Thank God for Cammie. She was as much a best friend as any of his family. He could talk over any idea with her, tell her anything. She couldn’t know how much he’d missed calling her at any hour since she’d been on family leave. Neither the nightly video chats nor the weekly visits he made to check on Lochlan were enough. She had to do this for her uncle, and Dane had to be supportive. But working without her by his side, it seemed as if he’d lost not only his right hand, but the whole arm. And sometimes it ached like a phantom limb.

With all his woolgathering, he realized Will Franconi had taken over the meeting.

“We actually have a lot of synergy going on,” Will was saying, echoing Dane’s thoughts. As if taking roll in class, Will introduced each of the Mavericks. “Sebastian is our media mogul with Montgomery Media International.” He pointed to Clay. “You both have totally different contacts, and yet, what you do converges. That new YouTube platform you’ve got going is an amazing feat.”

Clay jumped in immediately, not defensive, but wanting everyone to understand. “In reality, it’s completely different from YouTube. It’s a space for artists, musicians, writers—all forms of artistic endeavor, in fact—to display their work without fear of a hostile environment.”

The new platform was already taking over the web. Clay totally knew his market.

Dane started the next round, looking to Matt. “I see a lot of synergy between Troy’s sports empire and Trebotics International. With you being the inventor and robotics guy and the new sports machines Troy has in mind, there’s immense possibility in what you two can do together.”

“I’ve got tons of ideas.” Troy grinned at Matt. “But I need an expert to make them viable.”

Matt was nodding, and Dane could see the interest flashing in his eyes. “We’ve talked a bit,” he said. “But we really need to put our heads together.”

Dane went on, jutting his chin at Gideon. “Your foundation, Lean on Us, is all about veterans, many of whom are fresh out of the forces.” He pointed at his sister, who sat on Cammie’s other side. “And Ava is our expert on retirement facilities. You help them when they’re younger. She can offer support when they get older.”