Chen opened his mouth to argue that he was not a child and would not be treated as such. The words became caught in his throat when Moon raised those injured digits to his lips. The witch pressed light kisses to the burned flesh. With each touch, the pain receded, replacing it with cooling, sweet pleasure.

Moon was healing his fingers with kisses.

“How…” Chen choked out as all the blackened skin turned healthy pink.

Turning his head, he rubbed those fingers against his filthy cheek. He pressed a kiss to the center of Chen’s palm before looking at him with a wry smile on those magical lips. “Don’t you know? My blood runs through your veins now. That makes this my body. I can do whatever I want with it, and that includes heal it.”

Common sense said Moon’s words should have frightened him.

Common sense said he should argue with Moon and reassert his individuality.

Fuck common sense.

His heart raced with the idea of belonging to someone so completely.

“How long will this last? Will there be a point where my powers overwhelm that connection, making it wholly my blood?” Chen asked.

The witch lifted one shoulder in a halfhearted shrug. “Don’t know. Probably. I guess that means you’ll have to feed from me again before that happens.”

Yes, he would definitely need to do that.

Except the next time would be when they were alone, naked in bed together. He wanted to take his time sampling all of Moon’s interesting flavors.

The adorable witch released his hand and wrapped his arms around Chen in a tight hug. He laid his head on his shoulder, nuzzling Chen’s neck. “It’s been less than six hours since you had a giant hole in your chest. Now you’ve burned your fingers playing with the sun. I beg you, please, no more getting hurt for a while. My heart can’t take it.”

Chen closed his arms on Moon, pulling him in as much as he could without cracking Moon’s ribs. “I will try, baobei. I will try for you.”

Moon slumped into him and moaned. “That’s not fair. You trot out that ‘baobei’ whenever you’re in trouble because you know it makes my brain stupid.”

“Does it?” He tried for moderately surprised nonchalance and widely missed the mark if Moon’s snort was anything to go by.

“You fucking know it does. Your voice does this thing where it turns into a warm, fuzzy blanket and I melt. I can’t be mad at you anymore…Chen-ge.”

Chen chuckled at that sneaky endearment tacked on at the end. Yes, he was growing quite fond of Moon calling him that. Wicked, wicked man.

“So, were you able to reach anyone? Do we have an escape plan, or shall we just stand here holding each other until the sun sets?” Chen asked.

“You know, I’m quite fond of option two.”


The witch snickered and pressed a kiss to Chen’s neck before releasing him. They sat outside the cave with their backs to the wall. Moon grabbed Chen’s left hand, his fingers caressing the formerly injured ones. It was as if he needed reassurance that Chen hadn’t suffered any lasting damage.

“First, I talked to Xiao Dan. They all made it to the house last night. Even Meimei and Ming Yu. Junjie is healing. Xiao Dan seems to think he should be on his feet by nightfall. Sean was bitching in the background. I didn’t catch it all, but it sounds like they made an emergency donor stop last night to replenish Junjie.”

Chen grunted. That made sense. Xiang would have helped Jun-Jun feed, while Xiao Dan fogged the human’s mind with his glamour magic.

“They’re relieved to hear that you’re still in one piece. Sean offered to come get us, but Daniel and I stomped on that suggestion. It’s too dangerous right now for a lone vampire against the fae. I told them I wouldn’t be able to get you home until after the sun sets, but I will get you there,” Moon continued.

“On that topic, do we have a plan for that?”

For the first time since Moon’s return, the witch appeared uncomfortable. His head ducked down while his shoulders rose. “Yes…?”

“Was that a question or a statement?”

“Both.” Moon took a deep breath and released it in a rush. “After talking to Daniel, I got hold of Sky. He’s on his way out to get us with his boyfriend.”

“The human? You think he can help?”

Moon shook his head and then stopped sharply. “Well, I guess he’s there to drive the car to Sky’s.”

Chen shifted the fingers in Moon’s hand so that he was now gripping the witch. “Moon, baobei, you’re not making any sense. Do you have a plan to get us out of the woods prior to nightfall?” He paused as an idea came to him. His shoulders slumped, and a weight formed in his stomach, but this new idea made the most sense. “Is Sky going to take you to his place until dark and I remain here? It is the most logical—”