Gasping, Moon shoved at Chen’s chest with all of his strength while shouting, “No!”

He came loose far easier than he’d expected and stumbled until he landed on his bed with a bounce. Moon jerked his head up to find that Chen was standing on the far side of the room as if he’d leaped there. His eyes were wide and harsh lines dug into his handsome face.

Moon twisted his fists up in the sheets for a second and closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath while pushing down his panic.

“Y-you can’t bite me,” Moon stammered. He clenched his teeth and sucked in another harsh breath, fighting to sound normal. “I’m sorry. I—”

“Moon, I would never bite you without asking your permission. I’m deeply sorry I scared you. I…I would never…”

The witch opened his eyes and his heart shattered into a thousand tiny shards to see how the beautiful man was curling in on himself as if he’d done something wrong. Something utterly unforgivable.

Moon launched himself off the bed, closing in on Chen faster than he thought could. The vampire flinched as Moon reached for him. Was he really expecting Moon to strike him? Grabbing his arm, Moon jerked Chen into a tight embrace, tucking Chen’s face against his neck while holding him as close as possible.

Chen stood frozen for several frantic heartbeats, not returning the hug or pulling away. Slowly, Chen placed his arms around Moon, hugging him, but it was loose and felt way too hesitant.

“Baby, I would love nothing more than to feel what it’s like to have you bite me. I’ve heard rumors that a vampire’s bite can be quite erotic, but it’s too dangerous. It could kill you,” Moon whispered in his ear.

That had Chen pulling away. At least confusion was replacing the fear on his face. “I don’t understand.”

Taking Chen’s wrist, Moon pulled him over to the bed where they sat side by side with their knees touching. “Like I said, my magic courses through my blood. I don’t know what would happen to you if you were to drink my blood. It could be nothing. It could strengthen you like the way shifter blood affects vampires. But…I’m afraid.” He paused and swallowed hard. His fingers trembled, and he withdrew them from Chen, but the vampire caught his hands and held them tight. “What if something worse happens? What if my blood hurts you? Hurts you bad enough to destroy you?”

Moon jerked his eyes to Chen’s face, his throat almost completely blocked by the lump that had grown there. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Chen lowered his head, pressing their foreheads together while he cupped Moon’s cheek with one lukewarm hand. “I thank you for that warning. Thank you for trying to keep me safe, baobei.”1

Some of the panic receded and Moon clung to that whispered word as a half smile formed on his lips. “Baobei?” he repeated.

“I thought it was only fair since you called me baby.”

Their mouths found each other. The kisses this time were slower, less frantic and chaotic. Heat and hunger remained, but this was a tender exploration, learning the contours of each other’s mouths. The soft tug of flesh against flesh. The way Chen’s mouth seemed to warm the more they kissed, as if he were absorbing some of Moon’s body heat.

God, how was this better?

He could spend the next several hours memorizing the feel, the taste, the smell of Chen.

But the vampire was pulling away too soon.

Moon blinked twice, trying to get his brain working. Chen stiffened, his head turned toward the front of the house.

“Someone is coming up the driveway.”

Fuck. Who was stopping by to bother him now?

Didn’t they realize he was about to get laid?

Chapter 14

Chen Bo Cheng

Chen followed Moon as the man growled and stomped his way down the stairs. At least he wasn’t the only one irritated by the new distraction. That was supposed to be a perk of going to Moon’s house—no interruptions.

So much for that.

But maybe it was for the best.

He would never bite a person sexually without their permission. Dragging his fangs along Moon’s throat had been an attempt to elicit a sexual response from the man. Moon was right; a vampire’s bite could be very erotic. Just the tease of fangs could be enough to turn a person on.

Of course, the possibility of killing Chen with his blood was also a huge turnoff.

No, this was for the best. They needed to slow up a bit. If they’d continued at the pace they were going, Chen would have pinned Moon to the wall or floor and fucked him until neither of them could move. There was no making it to the bed. He needed to be buried deep inside of this man.

Fangs would be nice, but cock sounded so much better.

“Well, that isn’t anyone I know,” Moon said as he brushed aside the curtains and peered out the window. “Guess we better go see who this is. With this many lights on, there’s no way they’d believe no one was home.”