
Where the hell had he gotten the idea that Chen was some inexperienced almost-virgin?

He was going to be lucky to survive sex with the vampire. But if he didn’t, it was a damn fine way to go.

Moon panted and tried to remember his own name. This vampire was trying to kill him in the very best way. Chen released his wrists and moved down his body. He kissed and licked up every drop of cum as if it were the only thing on earth that could sustain him.

He was definitely in trouble.

Chapter 24

Moon Mullins

Moon shivered as Chen’s tongue licked a lazy stripe along the side of his recovering cock. Nothing like that had ever happened to him. But then, a vampire had never bitten him before, and he’d never had sex with one until Chen. This was going to be an afternoon of firsts.

The vampire laid his cheek on Moon’s thigh and stared up at him. Chen’s glasses were missing, giving Moon a perfect view of eyes that were glowing pale and hungry with every flick of his tongue. When had he lost his glasses? Moon wanted to laugh at himself. He couldn’t remember when Chen had last had them—not that they were necessary for him to see. It was just that in all the insanity of running and fighting for their lives, Chen had lost his glasses and Moon had never noticed.

He laughed, but the sound that rolled up his throat was a low moan as the evil vampire wrapped his soft lips around the head of his cock. Chen had the most skilled tongue he’d ever known. Despite having come minutes ago, he could feel his cock reacting, filling with blood. How was that even possible? Did vampires also possess some kind of special sex magic? No one had told him about that.

Probably for the best. He wanted Chen to be the one and only vampire he ever enjoyed this kind of pleasure with.

As his dick hardened, Chen took more of him into his mouth. The progress was painfully slow, the best kind of torture. Moon touched the back of Chen’s throat, and the vampire shifted to his knees. He placed Moon’s thighs over his shoulders and began bobbing his head up and down on his cock.

Just as he was losing himself to that sensation, a cool, slick finger pressed into his entrance. His brain was torn between pleasure and confusion. Where the fuck had he gotten lube? Had that devil hidden a bottle of lube in the bed without Moon noticing it?

The questions formed in his brain, but Chen reduced it to ash and cinder in a heartbeat. Another orgasm was already tightening up his body, sending pinpricks of pleasure and need to the base of his spine.

Moon moaned and grabbed a handful of Chen’s silky black hair, twisting it in his fingers. “Please,” he panted. “Don’t…don’t want to come alone this time. I—ahhhh!” The words were lost to another cry of bliss as Chen sucked him hard and added a second finger. He crooked them, finding his prostate as if he possessed a secret map to Moon’s body. “Chen!”

The vampire slid his fingers from Moon’s body and allowed his cock to slip from his mouth. “You want me inside of you?”

“Fuck, yes! Now! Please, now!”

The words were barely off Moon’s lips when he found himself flipped over, his ass in the air and his cheek pressed to the pillow. This time, he registered the sound of a plastic cap. Then it was the slick touch of Chen’s cock against his hole.

Pain scorched through him as Chen pushed his way inside. It had been way too long since he’d bottomed. Fuck, he felt like the goddamn virgin between them. He hissed out a breath between clenched teeth and tried to remind himself to relax. Yeah, easier said than done.

“Baobei?” A gentle hand smoothing down his spine followed that sweet endearment. The caress helped him find his breath.

“Just…go slow. It’s been a while,” Moon bit out.

The hand on his back paused and Moon glanced over his shoulder to see that blue eyes had changed to brown. Indecision and worry dug lines into Chen’s forehead. “Would you rather we stopped? There are plenty of other ways I can give you pleasure.”

“No!” Moon reached with one hand and caught Chen’s wrist after a couple of flailing tries. “Don’t stop. I want this. Want you.”

Chen leaned close, kissing his way up Moon’s body. His soft lips danced across each knob of his spine. He pressed deeper, moving so damn slowly, as if he had an entire lifetime to spend on this one fuck. When Chen reached Moon’s shoulder, he licked his way to his neck, lingering on that dangerous spot where he’d initially bitten Moon.

By then, the pain was long forgotten. The vampire sank into him, and Moon groaned as Chen sucked on the bite. Ecstasy rippled through him, and he tensed, tightening his muscles around Chen. For the first time, Chen made a sound like a moan and a growl.