Oddly enough, his real fascination lay with Chen’s eyebrows. The man was skilled at suppressing his emotions and keeping everything tucked away. Except for when it came to those two dark, thick slashes above his eyes. Most of the time, they lent a cold, sinister feel to his face, but they jumped all the time when Moon managed to shock, confuse, disgust, or just horrify him. And Moon loved it.

Chen’s normally smooth, expertly styled hair was a bit fluffy from being left to air dry, as if it had some secret curl to it that Chen tamed out each evening.

But Moon could still clearly remember the vision he’d glimpsed days ago of a robed Chen Bo Cheng with long, straight hair that hung to his waist. That man had been impressive but also felt colder than the one he’d gotten to know.

He wasn’t done learning, either. His gaze skimmed from his fluffy hair to the soft curve of his cheek and over plump lips, down to the scars that stood out on his pale chest. Too many scars. He needed to kiss all of them after Chen told him the stories of how he gained each and every one of them.

But that would have to wait. Chen needed his sleep.

Moon tossed his towel to the ground and walked to the empty side of the bed. With extreme care, he pulled back the blanket and flat sheet, intending to slide into the opening without waking Chen. His butt had barely touched the cool cotton sheet when the vampire sprang to life.

Chen was little more than a pale blur as he grabbed Moon, dragged him to the center of the bed, and climbed on top of him. Moon’s wrists were clasped together in one of Chen’s hands, his long fingers wrapping around them while he pinned them above Moon’s head.

“Yeep!” sneaked out between Moon’s clenched teeth. His body tensed against what insanity might happen next. Especially when he stared into a pair of ice-blue eyes rather than dark brown.

“You took a very long time with your shower. Shall I assume it was done to be thorough and not test my patience?” Chen’s sharp question sent a shiver through Moon. He opened his mouth to answer, but Chen chose that moment to place an openmouthed kiss over the exact spot where Chen had bitten him earlier. Words left him. His brain lost the ability to form words. There were only sounds.

The wound from the bite was healed, but Chen had unerringly found the spot. His tongue stroked up his flesh. He closed his lips over it, sucking hard. Moon’s back bowed off the bed, his ass pressed into the mattress, and his toes fucking curled. Razor-sharp pleasure streaked through his body, as if Chen has sent a current straight to his dick. Holy fuck! He’d never gotten so hard, so fast in his life.

Chen chuckled, sending a gust of cool air across his damp skin and his body answered by creating goose bumps along his arms. “Feel that?” Moon managed something like a choked whimper, but it was enough for Chen to continue. “I healed where I bit you, but that sensation means you belong to me. Just a bit of me left behind under your skin. I’d offer to remove it, but you already possess control over the blood in my veins, and you’ve bound our souls together. It only seems fair that I possess part of you.”

As he spoke, the tip of Chen’s nose brushed across that sensitive spot, sending tiny bolts of electricity through Moon’s body to his cock and balls.

“Chen!” he gasped, his tongue remembering how to form words. “I’m-I’m gonna come. You need to stop.”

The vampire lifted his head from Moon’s neck and a slow, wicked grin spread across that perfect mouth. “You’re right. You are going to come. Many times tonight. But I promise the last time will be while my cock is deep inside of your ass and you’re sobbing my name.”

Moon wanted to point out to his lover that he was the top. He almost always topped his partners. That Chen was going to be the one who was ass up, begging and shouting Moon’s name.

But the words never came out.

Chen dropped his face into Moon’s neck and bit down with his normal human teeth on the exact spot of his previous bite. Chen didn’t break the skin, but he didn’t have to. Intense pleasure rocketed through his body and Moon came without either of them laying a finger on his dick. The orgasm struck like lightning, painting his world white. A hoarse shout ripped from his throat.

A low growl rumbled up Chen’s throat as the evil vampire sneaked a hand between them and stroked Moon’s pulsing cock.

When the orgasm subsided and his eyes could focus again, he found Chen sitting above him, one hand still holding his hands trapped. Meanwhile, he was slowly licking the cum from the fingers he’d run across his dick. That grin was full of self-satisfied pleasure and the promise of so much more to come.