He sucked in a breath to ask if Moon had lost his mind, but the words were lost to the wind. Moon’s mouth slammed down on his, seizing his lips in a kiss that was half rage and half consuming hunger.

Whatever clear thought Chen had in his brain dissolved under the heat of Moon’s lips. He wrapped his arms around the witch, pulling him in tighter as he kissed him with the same desperate, angry passion. Teeth clacked together and their tongues tangled as they tried to claim dominance. The one thought Chen hung on to was his fangs—he had to keep his fangs tucked away. He couldn’t risk Moon shedding a single drop of blood in a careless moment and ruining this magical kiss.

Moon pulled his mouth away, but it didn’t go far. He grabbed a handful of Chen’s hair and forced his head up so he could kiss his way along his jaw to his throat. In between each kiss, he was grumbling. “I don’t know who you think you are, boyo. Don’t need you protecting me. Don’t need anyone. Could have killed those fuckers if I wanted.”

Digging his fingers into Moon’s ass, Chen pressed his heels into the dirt and rolled them so that he was now on top. “It’s pronounced baobei.”

Moon jerked his head away, his expression twisting up. “What?”

“You said boyo. It’s actually baobei,” Chen teased, wringing a new growl out of the man. This feisty side of Moon was too much fun. The more worked up he became, the more frantic his kisses grew and the more his hands wandered.

“No, it’s pronounced asshole. As in, you’re an asshole.” The fingers in Chen’s hair tightened and pulled him in for another blistering kiss. His glasses were knocked askew in the grasping. Chen snatched the unnecessary things off his face and tossed them to the grass so he could focus all his attention on the man in his arms.

The desire to tease Moon fell away as he lost himself in another round of kisses. A hand slipped under his sweater, skating along his side, and a moan tumbled from his lips. How long had it been since someone had last touched him? He couldn’t remember what century it had been or who the fingers had belonged to.

“Please,” he choked out. His eyes fell shut so he could soak in the feel of Moon’s strong, warm fingers on his body.

“Yes,” Moon answered, once again rolling Chen onto his back. This time, the witch pushed up so that he was straddling Chen’s hips. Moon shoved up Chen’s shirt with both hands running up his chest, but the witch froze and lifted his fingers away.

Chen half sat up and gazed at himself, trying to figure out what had stopped Moon.


He’d forgotten about the scars. No one had seen them for so long. They’d slipped his mind, but it made sense for Moon to withdraw. No one would find them attractive.

Grabbing the hem of his shirt, he jerked it lower, his head twisting around to locate the glasses he’d just set aside. It was better to stop now. This was insanity. Moon wouldn’t—

The witch lunged forward to his chest, pushing his shirt aside. He pressed his lips to a large and ugly scar that stretched from his right side up toward his heart. Chen allowed Moon to press him to the grass as he continued to kiss each and every scar that littered Chen’s chest. He worked his way higher and higher until he had to pull Chen’s sweater over his head. When he was free of the damn garment, he snagged Moon’s head, forcing his lips up to his face. There was no decrease in the witch’s desire or hesitation. He still wanted Chen even though years of battle had marred his body long before he became a vampire, each scar preserved for centuries.

Chen seized Moon’s shirt and tugged. Buttons popped between them and a seam ripped. He didn’t care so long as he had access to Moon’s warm, smooth skin.

“Fuck,” Moon hissed, followed by a giggle. “Your hands are cold.”

“They’ll warm up the more I touch you,” Chen promised.

Moon balanced himself on one elbow so he could stare into Chen’s eyes. A wicked grin tilted up a corner of that perfect mouth. “Will other parts of you also warm up if I touch them?” As he spoke, Moon thrust his hips forward, grinding his hard cock into Chen’s, causing them both to groan.

“We’ll only know if you try,” Chen choked out. Thankfully, he didn’t need to beg Moon to try. The resourceful witch was already attacking the button and zipper of his slacks. Each brush of his knuckles across his dick sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout his body. He was wound so damn tight, he wasn’t sure how long he was going to last.