Moon smirked at him. “Look at that. In town for a short time, and you’re already making friends and influencing people.”

Chen ignored the witch’s snarkiness and glared at the vampires keeping him from Moon’s lips. “Your friends attempted to attack this witch. I warned them to move along for their own well-being. They chose to not heed my warning and paid the price. If you don’t wish to suffer the same fate, I will give you this one chance to leave with your lives.”

“Fuck you!” a male vampire snarled. His hair was a normal shade of brown, but he had a nose piercing that had a chain that hung and connected to his bottom lip. Didn’t that impede feeding? “Who the hell do you think you are, you fucking ch—”

“Hey!” Moon snapped, his sharp voice exploding like a crack of thunder. “I will not tolerate racist slurs!”

The witch palmed something shiny and silver from his waist and Chen’s heart stuttered as Moon slashed it across his palm. He couldn’t see the blood as Moon closed his fist, but the rich scent that hit the air was electric. Something snapped within him. His finely honed control shattering at the idea of Moon injuring himself to deal with these insects.

An icy wind swept across the yard, covering everything in a thin layer of white frost and turning the surprised gasps of the vampires into dragon’s breath. He threw out his right hand to his side, and a sword of ice grew out of his palm.

The vampires barely had time to curse him. Their wide eyes locked on the razor-sharp weapon. Chen might prefer his sword of cold steel, but he was more than content to work with one of his own creation if he found himself weaponless.

He lunged forward, crossing the short distance between them in a flash. The ice sword slashed one vampire across the throat so deep, the ice scraped against the creature’s spine. Whirling on the balls of his feet, he cut the arm off another vampire as it tried to reach for him. With his free hand, he waved it over the spray of blood, turning it into frozen crystalline drops. He chased at the remaining vampire, who had tried to make a run for his car.

With a frigid grin, Chen darted in front of the vampire and stabbed him through the heart. Chen pulled the ice blade free and slashed it a final time, severing the vampire’s head from his neck. He strolled over to the offender who’d lost an arm and took off his head as well.

“What the hell? I mean, seriously, what the freaking hell!” Moon shouted.

Chen tossed the ice sword aside to the grass where it would melt. He gazed at his sweater and hands. Good. Not a speck of blood to mar his appearance. Only when he was sure that he could return to Moon’s side unmarked did he look up. The witch was not happy.

His white-blond hair was standing up as if he’d grabbed it and pulled. A sexy flush touched his cheeks, and his amber eyes almost seemed to glow in the lamplight as they darted from one corpse to the next before settling on Chen.

“They meant to harm you. They had to be dispatched,” Chen replied. This should all be obvious to Moon.

“Well, fucking duh!” Moon snapped. He marched forward until their chest bumped. “I’m not arguing against killing them. What I’m saying is, I don’t need you protecting me all the time. That little display in Hartford near the club was fine. I had a few drinks in me, and I was curious to see what you could do.” Moon took another step forward, bumping their chests a second time. His nose even brushed Chen’s, sending an electric tingle through his lips. So very close.

“But this is my house!” Moon continued to rage. “I take care of the trespassers at my house. I don’t need anyone taking out the trash for me.”

“Ungrateful,” Chen snarled. “I am two thousand years old, while you are still so young. It’s my duty—”

“Your duty? Listen, I don’t give a shit if you’re older than the goddamn pyramids. I don’t need anyone fighting my battles for me.”

“Those creatures made you injure yourself. I will not allow any harm to come to you!” Chen shouted, his cool control cracking at last. “No one is allowed to harm you. Not even you!”

“Asshole!” Moon planted his hands in the center of Chen’s chest and pushed. It was the shock of the action that made Chen rock. “I was preparing to cast a spell. You’re not the only one who can do cool magic. I wasn’t freaking hurt.”

“No one!” Chen shouted stubbornly.

Moon growled and fisted his hands in Chen’s sweater. What he didn’t expect was for Moon to hook his foot behind his leg as he shoved a second time. Thrown off balance, Chen tumbled to the ground with a hard thud while Moon landed on top of him.