Unless he counted the fact that he was desperate to get Chen alone so they could continue what they’d started in the kitchen. That was incredibly important.

“He’s staying here,” Chen said sharply. The vampire cleared his throat and when he spoke again, his tone was warmer, but not much. “He and Li Xiang will need to leave for the forest early in the morning. It will be easier if he sleeps here another night.”

Good save!

Mentally, he gave Chen a high five.

Moon held in his massive sigh of relief as he flashed his friends an easy grin. “Yeah, I’m good here.”

“Don’t you want to grab a change of clothes? You’re still in the same outfit from the freaking nightclub.” Red waved a hand at his dark jeans and button-down shirt.

That was also an excellent point. Moon had to look at himself to remember that he hadn’t changed clothes from his trip to Phoenix. Even though he’d showered and put on grocery-store underwear, these clothes could use a trip through the wash. He also had plenty of far more comfortable shoes and clothes to wear while tromping through the woods.

“Oh,” Moon murmured.

“I can take him,” Chen said, making Moon’s head whip around. Chen nodded to Moon, his posture stiff and proper, like when they first met. “I wouldn’t mind taking you home to get a fresh change of clothes…or two.”

This was a much better idea. He could show Chen his home.

He’d get Chen completely and utterly alone in his house. No other witches or vampires to interrupt them if their lips just so happened to find each other again.

“There!” Moon declared with more excitement than necessary. He shoved Red’s bag into the back of the SUV after Sky opened the trunk. “It’s all settled now. Chen will take me home. I can change clothes and pack another spare change or two in case tomorrow morning gets messy.”

“Messy?” Mad growled.

“Muddy,” Moon corrected. “In case I end up crawling through mud. Everything is going to be fine. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

Mad snorted. “I only worry when you say we don’t have to worry.”

Red placed a hand on his shoulder as Moon retreated away and squeezed. “Tell me you know what you’re doing.” His voice was low. The words were meant for him alone, but Chen’s sharp vampire hearing would have picked them up.

“No, of course I don’t know what I’m doing, but that’s half the fun.” Moon placed his hand on Red’s biceps and squeezed. “I know that Chen and the rest of his clan have no intention of hurting me. They will keep me safe if things get weird.”

“All right, all right. Enough clucking at Moon, Mother Hen. He’s a big boy and he’ll be fine,” Sky interrupted, shooing both Red and Mad to the doors of the SUV. “Get in. Let’s get going. I’ve got a boyfriend who needs snuggling.”

Mad and Red griped at Sky as the necromancer ushered them into the vehicle.

Moon laughed and patted Sky on the back once as he passed. “I owe you.”

“Yep, you do. And give me a ring if you think you might need help in the woods tomorrow. I’ve got a couple of plant spells I’d love to try out. But try not to call before eight. This boy needs his beauty sleep.”

Moon’s shoulders were still shaking with low chuckles as Sky climbed behind the wheel and the engine roared to life. Plants and Sky should not be allowed to happen. He’d seen Sky’s roses firsthand. They liked to bite. The same went for Sky’s attempt to grow potatoes.

It would be interesting to see Sky’s plants chomp on the fae. But Moon was more concerned with those plants growing out of control without Sky there to monitor them. No one needed them taking a bite out of an unsuspecting hiker.

He and Chen retreated to the house as Sky reversed out of the parking spot and headed down the drive, taking those two exhausted idiots home where they could crash.

“I’m sorry,” Chen said as the SUV’s engine became a dull roar in the distance.

Moon twisted to face the vampire and grinned. “For what?”

“I am being selfish and inconsiderate of your needs. It would be easier on you if you returned home. I also kept you from your friends,” Chen murmured. His eyes remained locked on the ground and the line slid between his brows.

Giving in to the temptation, Moon lifted his hand and pressed that line, trying to smooth it out. “If I wanted to leave with them, I would have left with them. And as you’ve pointed out to me, we are working against a ticking clock. I want to spend more time with you, and you already have one foot back in China, ready to bolt the second you get your hands on Yichen.”