Moon could only shrug again. “I don’t know.”

Red shook his head. “You’ve lost your freaking mind. You just met.”

“I know. Trust me, I’m very aware of the fact that I’ve known this vampire for all of twenty-four hours. Most of that time, he showed every sign of hating my guts. But haven’t you ever met someone and felt a connection? Like someone reached inside of your chest, grabbed a handful of your guts, and said, ‘You gotta stick close to this guy or you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life’?”

Sky huffed and folded his arms over his vibrant green vest. “Insta-lust.”

Moon poked the necromancer. “This isn’t insta-lust, and it’s not one of your BLs.” Moon stopped and then corrected himself with a groan. “Okay, so it’s not just insta-lust. Yes, I find Chen hot enough to melt most of my working brain cells, but not all of them. I’m aware enough to know that he’s also intensely serious and only wants to protect his clan. A clan, I might add, that is out of their element here. All their focus is on finding Yichen and fighting the fae, but they don’t understand how things work here in the States. I want to stick close to them and help them navigate all the other shit like the Variks, and possibly even the local wolf pack. And it doesn’t hurt that I have these amazing witch friends who can help with the local covens, too.” He ended with a wide, pleading grin at his companions while they rolled their eyes at him.

“Okay, so like you said, he wants to protect his clan. They all want to get Yichen and go home.” Mad bumped his shoulder into Moon’s. “You’re not his clan. Where does that leave you when this is all over?”

“I get it. Maybe I’m left out in the cold. But I’m not the type to get attached, right? I’m the fuck ’em and forget ’em guy, right? This is supposed to be no big deal. And if I get more attached to him than I already am, it’s going to hurt. A lot. But Chen is worth that risk. There’s no way I’m looking back on this time in my life and wondering how things might have been different if I’d tried a little harder.”

“Yeah, ’cause who doesn’t want a scary, powerful vampire as a boyfriend?” Red mumbled.

Sky snagged one of Moon’s arms with both hands and shook it. “Did I hear them right in there? Are they really two thousand years old?”

Moon chuckled. “Yep, and trust me, I’m dying to hear all the details of their life. That’s another reason to stay here.”

Mad scrubbed a hand over his face. “Makes total sense. Variks weren’t scary enough. Let’s add something even more powerful and terrifying to the mix.”

Moon said nothing. Powerful never scared him, and there was nothing frightening about Chen to him. Not when the man kissed him like that.

“Come on,” Red grumbled, leading the way to the SUV once again. “We’ve shoved all the sense we can into Moon’s mushy brain. Let’s get this spell done so some of us can get some sleep tonight.”

“Moon? Do you think the Zhang clan would give my protection amulets a try?” Sky inquired. Mad stopped and pulled his T-shirt down to reveal a black stone on what appeared to be a hemp necklace. “I made them for Red and Mad. It’s a typical protection spell that should cloak their energy and block most basic spells, such as glamour and enticement.”

“And with it being your death magic powering the amulets, it should be effective against the fae.”

“That’s the theory, at least.”

“Sounds brilliant! Could you make some more for them?”

“Sure, but keep in mind, I don’t know if it will work. They’re already vampires, which exist thanks to death magic. These amulets could do nothing.”

“Or do something totally weird and unexpected,” Red chimed in as he opened the trunk.

Moon nodded. “Makes sense. If it’s not too much trouble, make them. I’ll warn the clan and we’ll take it slowly from there.”

The amulets were a good start. He was also considering adding his own blood magic wards to the outer walls of the compound. He’d added those wards to the homes of his coven mates. No one could touch them.

Now he wanted to make sure no one could ever touch Chen and his family.

Chapter 12

Chen Bo Cheng

Chen was still convincing himself not to follow Moon when Junjie rushed into the meeting room, Xiang and Mei Lian close on his heels. Chen’s butt had barely touched the cushion before he was leaping up again, ready to charge after Moon and separate him from his witch brothers.

“What’s wrong?” he demanded.

The slow, wicked smile looked more at home on Xiang’s face than Junjie’s sweet one, but it didn’t matter. He could guess what was coming.