“I think…we should consider how we can use Moon’s services a while longer,” Chen said. “We have another twenty-four hours until the fae step into our world. He can tell us about the other witches, shifter packs, and the ruling vampires before he returns to his life. He need not get directly involved in our battles.”

Xiao Dan nodded. “I will consider it. The first step will be contacting your coven and seeing if any of them will help us. Afterward, we may request that you contact the Variks for us. We don’t want to fight a war on two sides.”

Moon cackled and gave Xiao Dan a thumbs-up. “Don’t worry. I’ve got your back!”

And that felt like a very scary promise.

Chapter 7

Moon Mullins

“Where the hell have you been?” Red raged the moment the call connected.

Moon dropped his face into his hand and swallowed a weary sigh. At least he’d been smart enough to wait until they’d finished dinner and he was alone.

Well, almost alone.

A soft growl on his left proved that Chen wasn’t pleased with his friend’s tone.

The rest of the vampires had headed off to do whatever they did each night. Junjie and Ming Yu had offered to clean up the mess he and Sean had made. The poor vamps wouldn’t be done cleaning until the sun rose. Both he and Sean had shown that they were excellent cooks, but huge mess makers.

For half a second Moon debated whether to play innocent or just ignore the question.

“I know for a fucking fact that you didn’t make it to your house last night!” Red continued, stealing away option number one.

“What?” Moon lifted his head from his hand and flashed Chen a wicked grin. They were sitting side by side in a parlor on a low couch. Chen had opened a sliding door, allowing in the evening breeze and giving them a clear view of an elegant garden wrapped around a dark pool filled with golden koi. It was the most peaceful place Moon had ever been in.

At least it would have been if not for his best friend’s squawking.

“When you weren’t answering your phone or replying to texts, Sky drove out to your place. It was empty. There was no sign of you ever returning from the club,” Red continued, sounding as if he were about to bust a blood vessel. “Are you all right? Were you kidnapped? Are you in trouble? Where are you? I’ll come get you now.”

Chen stiffened, his lips parting like he intended to argue with Red, but Moon lifted a finger, pressing it to Chen’s soft lips. The vampire froze, becoming a statue. Moon would have preferred to stop his words with a kiss, but really, he couldn’t soothe Red and kiss Chen properly at the same time.

“Do I sound like I’m in trouble?” Moon drawled.

“You sound like you need me to beat your ass! I’ve been worried sick about you the entire day. We all have. You send one weak text and then nothing.”

“I texted that my battery was dying. It took me a while to get a charging cable, and the battery took its sweet time charging.” He heaved a sigh and lowered his finger from Chen’s lips, dropping his hand to his lap. “But I’m sorry I worried you. I wasn’t kidnapped. I’m not in any kind of trouble.”

There was a low grunt, or maybe it was a huff, from his friend. Either way, Red sounded mollified and was sinking into a pout over not being able to run to his rescue. The man had a major white-knight complex. If he didn’t find himself a proper princess or damsel in distress to rescue soon, he was going to go off his rocker.

“Where are you?” Red mumbled.

Moon winced. “With some friends.”


“I know, I know. It’s a long story.”

“Well, you better get to telling! Do you know that someone discovered two vampires encased in giant blocks of ice? Just a couple of blocks from Phoenix. In the direction you walked after seeing me to my rideshare.”

And that would explain why Red had worked himself—and probably their friends—into such a tizzy.

“I’ve never seen you work a spell like that, so we assumed it wasn’t you…” Red paused, leaving the sentence hanging as though he hoped Moon would fill him in on what really happened.

“Nope, that wasn’t me.” At least that was the complete truth.

“They exploded, Moon. The sun hit them this morning, and they fucking exploded.”

Moon turned wide eyes onto Chen, who didn’t show a single ounce of shame, embarrassment, or remorse. Why should he? Chen had warned them to step the fuck off if they didn’t want to get dealt with. “Wow. That’s crazy,” Moon replied to his friend.

“Goddammit Moon!”

“Geez, fucking breathe, Red. I told you I’m safe and sound. I’m sorry I freaked out you, Sky, and Mad. No one is threatening me or hurting me. You know I can take care of myself.”