“I thought you said you were hungry,” Sean remarked.

Moon groaned. “I couldn’t eat all of this in a month. And there’s almost no meat in here. Are you vegetarians?”

Sean shrugged. “Mostly. Lots of rice, eggs, vegetables, and tofu. We only eat meat on holidays and then just a little.” He stopped and frowned. “Do we need more meat for you?”

“Nope. Other than fish or chicken a couple of times a year, I’m vegetarian. No red meat for me.”

“Is that a personal choice, or does it have to do with the kind of witch you are?”

Moon smirked at the back of Sean’s head. He’d been expecting more questions like that. Sean was damn straightforward. He’d thought the vampire would confront him, demanding to know what kind of witch he was.

“Personal,” he replied.

Sean stopped in front of the cart and turned to face Moon, gripping both sides of the metal frame. His eyes narrowed on him, seeming to bore right into his skull as if he were attempting to read his mind.

“Got other magic skills besides being a daywalker?” Moon teased.

“No, but I don’t need magic to defeat you,” the vampire grumbled. “You’re not going to volunteer the information? You’ve said you’re not an earth witch.”


“But you are a witch.”


A line formed between Sean’s brows as he continued to stare.

Moon broke first. He wasn’t trying to cause problems. It was…complicated. Especially with vampires. “I’ll tell you, but can we wait to tell all of your clan together? I’m not a threat, I swear.”

Sean’s brow smoothed, and he straightened, releasing the cart. “That’s fine. Shixiong will kill you if he thinks you’re a threat or if you impede us retrieving Yichen.”

“No, all I want to do is help you.”

And he meant it. Even if he had no hope of ever getting Chen to smile at him, he wanted to help this vampire clan reclaim their missing brother.

Separated for a hundred years.

Just the thought sent an ache through his chest. He’d been with his tiny coven of brother witches for a few years, but Maddox, Redstone, and Skylar were his everything. They knew what kind of witch he was and they accepted him without question. Those men always had his back, and he had theirs. If something were to happen to one of them, he wouldn’t hesitate to jump in.

They were the only family he had in the world.

They were his brothers.

And he would help these vampires rescue their brother.

The hard part was going to be convincing Mad or Red to do anything related to the fae.

“Look! Cereal! I’ve never tried that!” Sean darted off while Moon’s brain was still attempting to comprehend that statement. No cereal? Ever? So it had been a very long time since Li Xiang had gone shopping.

Tightening his hands on the handle of the cart, Moon started to push the enormous weight, but a familiar voice stopped him, sending an icy chill down his spine.


He squeezed his eyes shut, wincing hard as he prayed that he’d heard that wrong.

“Moon?” the warm voice repeated, this time with a laugh.

He released the cart and whipped around, pasting a smile on his face that he hoped didn’t look tense or fake. Not that he usually winced at seeing Wyatt Varik. The broad-shouldered man with the friendly expression and twinkling eyes was almost always a pleasant sight. Not to mention handsome in that rugged, “I can tear apart logs with my bare hands” kind of way. At one time, Moon might have considered flirting with Wyatt if he wasn’t already in a very committed relationship with a vampire and a werewolf.

Oh, and Wyatt was a werewolf as well.

That was too many red flags for him. He preferred to troll for hotties in safer waters.

Not that Chen was safe by any definition of the word.

“I didn’t think you shopped here,” Wyatt continued as he closed the distance between them. A plastic basket dangled from his left hand, filled with bakery bread and a few other assorted items.

“I…um…just wanted to try someplace new. Heard their produce was pretty good,” Moon lied. He lied through his fucking teeth. He wasn’t sure what part of town he was in. Sean had driven and took them directly to the store. Moon had recognized none of the surrounding landmarks or street names along the way.

But apparently he was in Varik territory.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

He needed to get rid of Wyatt before Sean heard them talking. He could not let the two men meet. Wyatt was a shifter. He’d be able to smell that Sean was a vampire, which would raise a lot of questions about what a vampire was doing running around in the daylight.

Not to mention, he wasn’t sure how Sean would react to seeing him talking to someone.

Sweat trickled down his back and covered his palms. Would Wyatt be able to smell his panic? He’d be able to hear his racing heart. This was bad. So fucking bad.