“We’ve both suffered great losses,” the emperor mumbled. “Zhang Shi Lei was always a loyal supporter and a wise, patient advisor. Even when this old man wasn’t in the mood to listen to him.” Emperor Wu rubbed his hand over his face and sat up straighter in his chair even if his shoulders remained hunched. Fatigue had chiseled deep lines in his face, and there was little sign of his waterfall of black hair now.

Had it turned snowy white overnight when the charges of witchcraft were leveled on the crown prince, his first son?

“Your sect has served the Dragon Throne well. Before even Zhang Shi Lei rose to the position of master, his master and the grandmaster served the royal family with loyalty and honor.” The emperor’s words were coming faster, as if the fog had lifted from his mind. “How many remain within the sect?”

“There are only thirteen of us, Your Majesty,” Zhang Xiao Dan answered.

The emperor grunted. “That will have to be enough.”

“Enough, Your Majesty?” Chen’s shixiong2 inquired. There was something in Zhang’s voice that made Chen’s hair stand on end, his mind demanding the same question.

The emperor’s gaze locked on some far-off point as if lost in a memory. “The fighting in the imperial city has robbed Us of too many loyal supporters. Evil and treachery linger in the shadows of Chang’An. It will take time to pull it out by the roots and free our people from this darkness that threatens to destroy our illustrious kingdom. We need people who will be loyal, who are trustworthy. People who will seek the evil and eliminate it.”

Zhang Xiao Dan cupped his hands in front of him and bowed. Chen Bo Cheng followed suit, as his brother said, “The Sword of the Heavenly Garden remains willing and able to assist Your Majesty in any way we can.”

“Good.” Emperor Wu sighed. He nodded and repeated the word a couple of times more.

When Chen and Zhang straightened, they jolted to see another figure was now standing near the emperor’s throne. The tall, lean figure wrapped in shades of dark green and black seemed to have appeared from out of nowhere. Not a single sound had heralded his approach.

“Jiang Chong!” Zhang Xiao Dan cried out, his eyes locked on the newcomer.

“So you’ve met Our new head minister of secret intelligence,” the emperor chortled.

“I—no, Your Majesty.” Zhang bobbed another quick bow, but his eyes locked on this Jiang Chong as he rose.

Chen didn’t know him, but he also couldn’t recall a time when he’d ever seen his shixiong looking so completely rattled.

“Forgive me, Your Majesty. Master Zhang pointed Jiang Chong out to me during our last visit to Chang’An over a year ago. I…I…just heard reports that Crown Prince Ju killed Jiang Chong during the fighting.”

Jiang Chong’s thin lips twisted into a smirk, and he bowed his head slightly to Zhang and Chen. “You’ll find I’m more resilient than Crown Prince Ju expected. And the rumors of my death allow me to work within the very deepest shadows of Chang’An to protect the emperor.”

Chen fought the urge to swallow hard. He didn’t trust Jiang Chong. He wasn’t sure what it was, but his instincts screamed that something was wrong. Why couldn’t Shifu be here to explain what was happening?

Zhang Shi Lei had been a loyal advisor and protector of the emperor, but Shifu had also remained adamant about maintaining the clan outside of Chang’An in Luoyang. He wanted to keep the sect and clan as far from court politics as possible.

But without Shifu to protect and guide them, were they sliding into that sticky web, poorly equipped to handle the predators who now circled?

“After years of searching, We have uncovered one of the keys to immortality,” Emperor Wu continued. Excitement threaded its way through his voice for the first time since they’d entered the throne room, pushing aside weariness and the heavy burden of ruling.


Chen tried to glance over at his shixiong with no one noticing. How was he taking this news? Had the revolt attempt fractured the emperor’s mind?

But Zhang Xiao Dan appeared calm. At least on the surface. And that was what Chen needed to be. Calm. Collected. Undisturbed by the emperor’s talk of immortality.

“Unfortunately, it seems this key is meant for younger men, and will not aid Us how We’d hoped.” Emperor Wu thrust a finger into the air, shaking it as if admonishing the heavens. “We are not deterred. It is proof that immortality is achievable, and We will find Our youth and immortality.”

Emperor Wu deflated after that outburst, panting for a couple of seconds. He directed his attention to Zhang and Chen. “That does not mean you and your sect cannot benefit from this new avenue. This gift will not only give you immortality, but it will also make you stronger, faster, and more powerful than anyone else. You and the rest of your clan will become my elite guards. You will protect this heavenly body and help to carry our kingdom into the light by hunting down all the traitors.”