But that only made Moon want to turn that grumpy frown into a grin. He wanted to be the one to make Chen Bo Cheng laugh. Moon was a sucker for a challenge, and Chen was the very best challenge he’d ever met.

Not that he planned to keep Chen Bo Cheng. No, no, no. That was silly. Chen was here on a specific mission to rescue his brother, and Moon did not do relationships. Life was much easier without things like dating and relationships, which came with the tangled mess of expectations and heavy emotions.

He’d survived this long without doing the dating thing, and he would not start with a vampire who planned to sprint back to China as soon as he had Wu Yichen in hand.

Of course, that didn’t mean they couldn’t have a little fun while he was in town. Something to erase those angry lines that bunched between Chen’s brows. Something to smooth those lips into a more enticing expression.

He lifted his hands to his face and scrubbed hard, trying to force away the last of the sleepy cobwebs. He needed to be logical about this, which he would be the first to admit was not one of his strong suits.

Shit! Red!

He’d forgotten to text his friend last night that he’d arrived home safe. This was not the time to send his coven brothers into a panic over his safety. He didn’t want any of them showing up on his doorstep to discover that he was missing. Or worse, use tracking software to locate his phone.

The vampires might need a witch, but they wouldn’t welcome three angry witches showing up on their doorstep.

He rolled over, snagged his cell phone from the nightstand, and thumbed through the security. He winced to see four missed calls and about a dozen text messages. He opened the group chat and typed while monitoring the battery, which was now sitting at two percent.

Sorry! Crashed hard last night. I’m safe. Battery dying!

He sent the message, and the screen went black. The battery was dead.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Did it go through?

If it did, it would buy him some time before the guys panicked because he wasn’t replying. At least he hoped so.

What were the chances one of the vamps had a charger he could borrow?

Moon lifted his eyes to glance about the room again. Considering how old these vampires were and the style of their home, he wasn’t confident they’d adapted to modern technology. His chances of getting a charger appeared to be slim to none.

Moon threw off the covers and jumped out of bed. While his phone was still alive, the time had shown it was early afternoon. The sun was high, and all the little vampires were likely tucked away in their…coffins?

Where did Chinese vampires sleep?

Where did American vampires sleep, for that matter?

Well, if Rafe Varik’s Instagram was to be believed, it was in a giant black bed snuggled next to his hot blond boyfriend.

So maybe these vampires had beds, too?

Was it too soon to sneak into Chen’s bed and snuggle with the dozing vampire?

Yes, it probably was.

But that didn’t stop Moon from standing in the center of the room with a goofy grin on his face, daydreaming about what it would feel like to press his nose into Chen’s neck and wrap an arm across that slender waist. Just hold him close as he drifted into a lazy catnap.

At least it would be fun until Chen woke and kicked his ass out of his room.

Well, it might still be fun to see the look of shock on his face when he found Moon in his bed. It would almost be worth it.

No. Bad Moon.

Annoying Chen was dangerous during the day. Later. When the sun was down and he wasn’t so vulnerable.

After shoving aside the image of cuddling Chen, Moon used the shower in the adjoining bathroom. He cleaned up as best he could and put on last night’s clothes again.

Now that he was somewhat presentable, he shoved his dead phone into the back pocket of his jeans and walked to the door. If he was lucky, he’d be able to locate someone’s phone charger in the kitchen, or maybe a family room. Anywhere that wasn’t close to where the vampires were sleeping.

Then food. Definitely needed to raid the fridge. A tiny snack while he waited for the sun to set. It had been like eighteen hours since he’d last eaten, and his stomach was complaining.

Moon opened the door and screamed into the smirking face of Li Xiang. No, Sean. He wanted to be called Sean.

The damn vampire snickered while Moon pressed a hand to his chest, trying to push his racing heart into its proper spot.

“Going somewhere?” Sean mocked.

“Yeah, I’m thinking maybe the hospital to have my heart checked,” Moon snapped. Sucking in a deep breath, he shook off the scare and took another look at the vampire in a white T-shirt and blue jeans. His skin was pale, but, somehow, he didn’t seem washed out against the shirt. Large eyes watched him closely, but he didn’t have the air of threat. He seemed more curious about Moon than anything.