Moon grunted. “If I was simply a human, I think I would have jumped on this immediately. I might have even begged you to change me now. But being a witch…it’s a big part of who I am. It also feels like an important legacy that I inherited from my mother. I’m scared of losing that. Not that I think you’d change me on a selfish whim. I—”

His rambling was stopped by Chen’s mouth covering his in a slow, deep kiss that sucked away the chaos and turmoil in his mind. As he relaxed into the kiss, sliding his tongue along Chen’s, the vampire pulled away.

“I understand,” Chen whispered.

“This isn’t a ‘no,’ okay? This is an ‘I need a little more time.’ I thought I should share what’s on my mind.”

“I appreciate that. Promise me you will be careful.”

Moon smiled against Chen’s lips. “Not going to threaten to leave me behind when you rescue Yichen?”

The vampire growled low in his throat. “My instincts demand that I tie you up and stuff you in a closet while I deal with the fae, but that would be wrong of me. I would not be respecting your wishes or your abilities in a fight.”

A shiver ran through Moon and he snuggled closer. “Can you get any hotter? Respecting and protecting me at the same time. I think you’re going to need to do something dirty to balance this all out.”

“Dirty how? Like tie your hands behind your back so you can’t touch yourself, while I force you to your knees as I fuck your mouth?”

A whimper escaped Moon. His dick filled in an instant and his hips shifted forward, seeking attention from the very man who would torture it. “Yes. Okay. Whatever you want.”

“Mmm…next time, baobei,” Chen hummed. As he spoke, a hand moved down Moon’s spine, catching the waistband of his briefs and pulling them lower. “I think I wish to fuck you slowly, filling your ass with my cum so that even the fae will smell that you are mine.”

Moon toes curled, and he started to roll over onto his stomach. It was a favorite position for both of them since it allowed Chen to fuck him deep and bite him at the same time. But before he could get half twisted, Chen stopped his shifting, putting him onto his back.

“No biting tonight,” he gently admonished.

“Huh? But…”

Chen brushed a kiss across his parted lips, swallowing up his argument. His lover didn’t need to say it. He wanted Moon to be at full power. No nibbles when Moon would need his blood for spells. It was tempting to pout and seduce his way into a bite. Chen never took more than a sip—something Moon could easily stand to lose.

Sex without a nip was good, too.

They shed the last of their clothes without their mouths separating. Kisses went on and on until Moon’s lips felt puffy and bruised. Hands explored every inch, memorizing dips and curves. In the blanketing darkness, Moon gave himself over to the feel, taste, and sounds of their lovemaking. He lost himself in Chen. Never had he ever felt so close to another person. There was no one he trusted so completely with both his body and his heart.

When Chen’s thick cock slid deep inside him in a single long stroke, Moon was trembling and covered with sweat. Chen took him to the edge again and again, stopping just as he was about to shatter.

Wrapped in each other, Chen’s cooler body absorbed some of his heat, leaving them both flushed and slick. The slap of damp skin broke above their desperate pants and Moon’s tiny whimpers.

“Please, Ah-Cheng,” Moon pleaded, his voice cracking. “I’m so close. I want…want to feel you coming.” He tightened his legs that were tangled with Chen’s and lifted his hips, speeding up the pace, taking that magnificent cock even deeper.

Chen growled and fucked him hard. It couldn’t have been more than a dozen thrusts before Moon felt the cool rush of Chen’s cum into his tight channel. The vampire cried out, his hips spasming. It was enough to tip Moon over the edge. He latched on to Chen’s shoulder and bit down with his blunt human teeth, earning a hiss from Chen, as the orgasm washed through him. Every nerve ending lit up like a Christmas tree.


This was heaven.

Chen’s arms were the only ones he wanted to spend the rest of his life in.

Chapter 29

Chen Bo Cheng

Chen grabbed on to a sturdy tree branch as the ground rolled beneath his feet. Moon stumbled past him, and he snagged the witch’s elbow, stopping his headlong flight into a bush. He placed his lover on his feet.

Moon gazed over his shoulder at him and smirked. “Who the hell brought the C-4?”

“I don’t care who, so long as it keeps the fae busy,” Chen said.