“And take his blood,” Sky grumbled.

Wyatt laughed. “For science!”

Moon could only shake his head. He’d met Aiden’s scientifically minded vampire son only once, but he’d heard plenty of stories. Bel Varik was eager to study just about anything unique that crossed his path. And then take a sample of their blood in the name of science.

With Junjie’s and Mei Lian’s help, Moon got the gathering of witches, vampires, and shifters into the house. Refreshments were served and pleasant conversation was shared. The Zhang clan talked about their home in China while the locals shared points of interests the vampires might want to check out…after the fae were taken care of.

Nearly an hour passed before Chen returned alone. Moon was on his feet in a heartbeat. The vampire’s expression was tense.

“Huli?” Moon demanded, his heart leaping into his throat. He couldn’t have…the little fox appeared so strong, his smile so bright even through the pain.

“He’s okay. He’ll recover,” Chen reassured him. “The wounds weren’t too deep. He mostly needs rest and food. Shixiong believes he’ll be on his feet in a day or two.”

“That’s a relief,” Sofia murmured.

“Shall we assume your dour expression is related to the fae?” Aiden asked.

Chen nodded. “It is. Huli reports they have erected an enormous castle-like structure out of the trees right where the door between realms opened. Hundreds of fae have gathered there. The majority of the army is composed of elves. Heavily armed elves.”

“What about Yichen? Did he say where he’s being kept?” Junjie demanded.

“Yes, and that is the one small, bright spot.” Chen moved to take the seat at the end of the table, indicating that Xiao Dan would not be returning for these discussions. “There is a single-story wing that extends off the primary structure. While it is constantly guarded, it does not see a lot of foot traffic. Huli saw Yichen being moved to and from this structure several times, being brought into the main castle and then returned. It seems likely this is his prison cell.”

Xiang rose and darted out of the room without a word. A minute later, he returned with a large map. The same one they’d used to plan their initial attack on the fae.

Chen stood in front of his chair. “Now that we have a location, I would like to officially beseech your aid in an attack on the fae on behalf of the Zhang clan. We do not have the resources to expunge them from the area. However, I hope that with a sizable enough army working as a distraction, a small group can gain access to the prison and extract our clan mate.”

By the time he completed his plea, Junjie, Xiang, and Mei Lian had also risen. All of them precisely extended their arms in a circle in front of them, cupping their left hand around their right as they bowed to the gathered assembly. Its elegance and deep sense of honor stole Moon’s breath away. A chill ran up his arms while the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He’d seen nothing quite like it in real life.

And okay, maybe it made his vampire a little hotter. If that were at all possible.

“While I may be king of the vampires, I am reluctant to order all the clans into a fight with the fae. However, I can promise the assistance of the entire Varik clan,” Aiden stated.

“As well as the Montgomery clan. I’ve got people to protect, and we’re not about to let the fae threaten our peaceful city,” Sofia said. She paused and added with a sniff. “Besides, things have been far too quiet around here since Aiden took over. I think we could use a bit of a scuffle.”

“Don’t forget about Rafe’s followers,” Winter drawled. Fox snickered next to his mate.

Moon leaned forward to look at the vampire. “What do you mean?”

“Rafe Varik owns Phoenix downtown. And it’s been closed for the past few weeks because of all the fae problems. It’s been making both vampires and humans very cranky.” Winter lifted a hand in a nonchalant motion. “If he were to announce to his vampire followers that if they helped deal with the fae, he’d open his club again, I’m pretty sure we’d have a new flood of volunteers.”

Moon cackled and snagged Chen’s hand in his as he dropped it to his side. “Look at that! Sounds like you’ve got an army.”

Chen’s lips spread into the most beautiful smile Moon had ever seen in his life. “I think you are right.”

It was nearly sunrise when Moon dragged Chen to his bedroom. The visiting vampires had scurried to their own homes a couple of hours earlier. However, Chen was stubbornly studying the map and considering options for their attack plan. Xiao Dan had appeared for a bit when Huli fell asleep but had left again to watch over him. Xiang and Mei Lian were taking the first daylight hours’ watch, even though Mei Lian was restricted to the interior of the house.