Was he surprised Moon would go with him?

Why wouldn’t he? He wasn’t helpless. He knew how to protect himself from vampires. Besides, this one said he needed his help, not a nibble.

Moon would have been willing to offer him a nibble, though, if he were sure the vampire wouldn’t collapse from the first sip.

“We’re not letting him go! We found him first!” Bowling Ball repeated as if it were the lynchpin of his entire argument. Did vampires abide by the old “finders keepers” rules?

The muscles in the stranger’s jaw jumped as if he were clenching his teeth, and his dark eyes narrowed. Fuck, he was sexy even when he was pissed.

“If you will excuse me,” the vampire bit out as he stepped around Moon to position himself between the witch and the two vampires.

Bowling Ball and Bowling Pin both hissed and bared their fangs at the vampire, who was now stalking them like a panther through the forest, all sleek and deadly. For each step he took forward, the two retreated, moving straight into the mouth of a nearby alley. Moon wasn’t sure whose doing that was. Either way, it was getting this fight off the main street and out of the direct view of anyone passing by.

Still…this was dangerous. He didn’t want Sexy to get hurt because of him.

Moon started forward and reached out to touch Sexy’s shoulder, when the vampire lifted his right hand with the palm up. As soon as it was chest high, he flipped his hand over and slammed it forward, palm toward the vampires, fingers perfectly straight as if in some martial arts move.

Bitter cold rushed past him, carrying with it swirls of frost and snow. In a blink, thick blocks of ice stood where the two vampires had been. It all happened so fast, the two vampires hadn’t even made a peep of noise. And now, the ice was so thick and frosted over, he couldn’t see the people inside of them.

“What the…” Moon drifted off as he circled the pair of vamp-cicles, marveling at how Sexy had put them into perfect rectangular cubes. Like they were waiting to be placed in some giant’s cocktail.

“Are you okay? Were you hurt?” Sexy asked.

It took Moon a second to tear his eyes from the icy wonder to look at the neat and tidy vampire in his dark suit. He was even hotter from this angle. The vampire radiated competence, strength, and maybe a touch of bossiness. He was smashing every one of Moon’s buttons to dust.

“Hurt? Uh…no. Nope. I’m all good. You saved me from those rascals just in time,” Moon answered, struggling to get the wheels turning in his poor brain. He was mostly sober now, but he wasn’t sure he could make responsible choices. He wandered to the vampire’s side and smiled. “Will they be able to break out of the ice?”

The vampire lifted one shoulder in an indifferent shrug as he gazed at his handiwork. “If they don’t escape, the sun will finish the job for me.” Those sharp eyes snapped to Moon and his frown deepened. “We have wasted enough time. You need to come with me.”

Pale fingers wrapped around Moon’s wrist and pulled him down the street. The vampire’s long legs ate up the distance in big strides as he hurried toward a nearby parking lot. Moon had to jog every once in a while to keep up or risk being dragged along the concrete.

“You know, I’m happy to go with you, but it would be nice to know the name of my rescuer,” Moon teased.

Sexy stopped next to an elegant black sedan and frowned while pulling a key fob from his pocket with his free hand. “I’m not your rescuer. I’m your kidnapper.”

Chapter 3

Chen Bo Cheng

Chen turned off the engine of the sedan and released a heavy sigh. Some of the tension that had been pulling his shoulders tight sloughed away like melting snow. The evening had not gone how he’d expected. After he’d slipped away from the sect meeting, he’d disappeared into Hartford to locate a witch. The plan had been to avoid all other vampires, but it couldn’t be helped. What mattered most was that he’d gained the witch they needed.

Lifting his eyes to the rearview mirror, he stared at the witch slumped low in the seat, snoring. The man had fallen asleep midquestion after they’d been on the road for ten minutes. While conscious, he’d alternated between random questions and shameless flirting. Chen hadn’t known how to respond to him. Even Xiang at his most outrageous couldn’t compare.

He’d even called him sexy.

No one.

No one in two thousand years had ever used that word to describe him.

He’d finally caved and given the witch his name, but it was only to make him stop using that word.

That was when the witch had said his name was Moon Mullins.