Moon wanted to brush off Chen’s concern. Tell him that he had no plans on dying anytime soon.

Except they were still dealing with the fae. The world was a crazy place.

Hell, his own parents had died in a car accident. It wasn’t like they’d been planning to die early. It was only fair to both of them that he give this some deep thought.

Could I live as a vampire? Would it mean giving up magic?

Chapter 25

Chen Bo Cheng

His brothers were outside, waiting to greet him when he climbed out of Sky’s car. He managed a quick wave to Sky as the necromancer left before Xiao Dan pulled him into a shockingly tight embrace. His shixiong whispered a breathless, “Thank the ancestors” as he held him.

Chen closed his eyes and hugged him back. His brother. A man who was closer to him than any blood relative he ever possessed. Xiao Dan was always the one person who understood him. The one person he could lean on. Shixiong was a calming, steady influence for all of them, a guiding light.

For years, Chen was the one who’d had the privilege of being the one person Xiao Dan was willing to lean on, the brother he showed even the smallest bit of vulnerability with. They needed each other.

Now, though, Chen found himself with someone in his life who held a special place within his heart.

After several seconds, Xiao Dan released him and held him at arm’s length, his dark eyes skimming over every centimeter of him. “Are you okay? You’ve recovered? Moon said that the fae king injured you, but you were healing.”

“I’m fully recovered, Da-ge,” Chen reassured him, choosing the less formal endearment to keep his brother close. “Moon saved my life and kept me safe as I healed.”

The witch in question stepped up to stand next to Chen and grinned broadly. Chen caught the exact moment Xiao Dan figured out things had changed. His nose twitched as if scenting something new in the air and his eyes widened, jumping from Moon to Chen.

“We have much to discuss,” Chen murmured, fighting to keep the silly smirk off his lips.

“I…yes…” Xiao Dan stammered.

“Jun-Jun?” Chen turned his attention to his other brother standing on Xiao Dan’s left. He appeared paler than normal, but everything else seemed fine. “You were injured?”

“All better now. Just some cuts and one of those bastard elves tried to rip my arm off.” Junjie made a show of moving his left arm around, proving that he was healed. “I—” He stopped and sniffed the air, his gaze zipping straight to Moon.

“Whoa!” Xiang cried out from the other side of Xiao Dan. “Smells like someone had fun while we were running from the fae.”

“Xiang-di!” Xiao Dan snapped before Chen could give in to impulse and smash his fist into Xiang’s nose.

Moon looked down at himself, sniffed, and leaned over to Chen. “What’s going on? I showered. Twice.”

Junjie cleared his throat. “Vampires have a very keen sense of smell. Not as good as a shifter’s, but a fair bit better than a human’s.” His lips twitched as if he were trying hard not to smile.

“And you smell like him!” Xiang cackled, pointing a finger right at the middle of Chen’s face.

“Oh, my bad. I guess I need to get some better soap.” Moon flashed him a lazy grin that argued he wasn’t sorry in the least.

Chen closed his eyes and fought to hold on to his calm. He’d expected some surprise, but this was spiraling out of control. “They’re not referring to sex, baobei. I’ve bitten you twice now. My DNA is embedded in your flesh.” He opened his eyes and tried look reassuring. “Every vampire who encounters you will know you belong to me.”

Moon’s expression went blank as if he were contemplating what Chen said, leaving him to simmer in anxiety. Yes, their souls were bound, but no one else could see that thread. It was their secret if they chose to keep it as such. This was a blatant announcement to the vampire world. Anyone even talking to Moon was doing it at the risk of their own life.

The more primal, feral part of Chen’s soul was very pleased to have this mark on Moon. It wanted all the world to know Moon belonged to him.

However, the more civilized part of him cringed at the idea that he’d done such a thing without fully explaining all the ramifications to the witch. He was not a possession to be owned and controlled. He was an amazing, intelligent, compassionate person who deserved autonomy and respect.

Just so long as that autonomy didn’t put him in danger. Ever.

Fuck. He was going to be a horrible mate.

Before Chen could sink too deep into his dark thoughts, Moon wrapped an arm around his waist and grinned. “I guess that’s easier than having you tattoo your name on my ass. Your way is a lot more fun, too.”