My mouth drops open, and all the blood in my body rushes straight to my groin. This is new. I’m wearing a belt, alright, but I’ve never thought about taking it off and doing any sort of spanking with it. I’ve never spanked Remi, period. When she sees my hesitation, her smile falters just the slightest bit.
“I mean, if you think that’s too kinky and you don’t want to spank me, you could always use the belt to tie me into a pretzel position and explore your options from there.”
“Gah!” I rake both hands through my hair before I get some semblance of control back and get over my shock. “Anything. Any which way. Belt or no belt. I’m canceling all my morning meetings.”
My morning meetings are important. They’re usually also generally quite early to make up for the crazy time difference in Europe, which is another great part about working with Remi. Her hours match my crazy hours. At first, it was pretty exhausting trying to keep up with work and also finding the energy to see her in the evenings. But it’s much better now.
“Sweetheart, I was kidding about the file. You didn’t do it, but I know how busy you are. And it’s Saturday morning. I have no idea why you’re up at this hour and in the office, but you have no meetings for today.” Remi giggles and strides over to me. Sliding her arms against my neck, she presses herself flat against me. I get the benefit of all her soft curves, her warmth, and her deliciously kissable, tempting lips just inches from mine. “You’ve been working so hard that you forgot all about the weekend. This isn’t actually a punishment. I came down here to surprise you.”
“I certainly am surprised. Is it really Saturday?”
Her eyes are twin pools of mirth. “Yes. Yes, it’s Saturday.”
“In that case, I think I’ll take you straight upstairs and spend the entire day with you in bed.”
“Oooh,” she gushes. “I like the sound of that. In pretzel positions?”
She’s going to be the death of me. I’m going to need all day just to make it up to her for lasting all of three strokes once we get up there. All this verbal foreplay is enough to slay me on the spot, and it’s not a joke about my stamina. It’s just me being straight-up honest. To be fair, all Remi has to do is look at me, and I’m a goner. I think I always was, right from that first night I saw her again at Nanny’s surprise party for me.
Nanny still talks about that night. None of us can drink a chocolate shake anymore without a reminder of that night. Also, every time I hear the word chainsaw, I think about what Kimmy said about hacking off her nuts with one rather than being in the same room with me. Fortunately, as a family, we’re past the rusty saws and laxative stage and into more of the we all like each other again, and we’re family stage. Remi and I haven’t discussed marriage, but I know the second we do, Nanny will be brewing up a special gravy just for us. Our marriage gravy. She’ll definitely want to hand out containers as party favors, and who am I to complain?
“If you like,” I say indulgently, my heart full to bursting. “Pretzel or any other position, I’m game.”
Remi lets out a squeal and leaps into my arms before she kisses me senseless. Quite literally. I’m completely at a loss to explain how I got this lucky. Coming back here, I wanted to try and fight for my family, to get them back. I never thought I’d find love, and certainly not this all-encompassing, heart-roaring love that has healed so many wounds for me and taught me so many lessons.
“Pretzel,” Remi says, eyebrows raised. “We might need the internet to help with this one. Do you have your phone so we can look up the correct way to do this?”
“Nah.” I start walking at a controlled pace toward the door. As controlled as I can manage, considering I want to race out of there with Remi and get her upstairs before all these delicious mental images give me a heart attack. “Let’s just wing it.”