Page 81 of Curses and Cures

The way he shoves it angrily into the dirt has my heart rate spiking for another reason and I grow restless as he works, side-eying him as I plant the rest of my bulbs with shaking hands and this irrational feeling that I’ve done something wrong.

Another rumble of thunder sounds as a flash of lightning carves through the sky, sending a rash of goosebumps over my skin. The hairs on my arms stand on end from the strange energy building in the air, invisible yet so potent I can almost touch it.

Not able to stand it any longer, I climb to my feet and walk towards Arden, feeling jittery, nervous. When I reach him, I gently press my fingers against the broad slope of his shoulder as more thunder sounds, getting louder, closer. The wind picks up the strands of my hair and they turn into little whips around my face as I look down at Arden.

“Just a few more minutes and I’ll be done,” he barks out, dropping the fork and making a hole with his hands before dropping a bulb into the newly dug earth, covering it over.

“Arden,” I whisper, dropping to my knees beside him, my ankle length skirt billowing out around my legs as I reach for his arm, pressing my dirt-flecked fingers against his skin, forcing him to stop. A muscle in his jaw flexes as he grits his teeth and drops his head, fingers buried in the dirt as he lets out this strange wounded sound.

“What did I do wrong?” I say. “One minute we were both smiling, the next you look like you want to murder somebody. Are you mad at me?”

He shakes his head. “I’m not mad at you. Never you.”

“Then what is it?” I ask, my fingers gliding over his skin, tracing the thick veins on his forearms, sighing at the touch. He visibly trembles, and I move to pull away but he reaches up, gripping my hand and pressing it back against him, dirt smudging our skin.

“I’m mad at myself.”


“Because one smile from you and I’m as hard as stone, Cyn,” he says looking up at me, his black hair drifting into his eyes, that show his struggle; pained, yet heated with lust.

“And that makes you mad at yourself?”

“I should be able to control myself around you, but fuck Cyn, when you smile like that, laugh like that, I just want to take you in my arms. I want to lose myself in you. I just want to fucking love you, Cyn.”

His fingers curl into the soil, and the thumping beat of my heart is engulfed in a surge of passion, billowing inside of me like an out of control fire.

“Then love me,” I whisper. “I’m ready.”

He stiffens beneath my touch, another bolt of lightning flashing across the ever darkening sky. Thunder as loud as an earthquake rumbles across the ocean, the scent of salt and seaweed, soil and rain, lifting into the air between us.

My skin prickles as Arden slowly turns his body towards me, his dirt-stained hands reaching for my face, grasping my cheeks, smearing soil across my skin as he meets my gaze.

“Are you certain?”

“Never more certain of anything in my life,” I whisper.

Arden’s gaze flashes with hunger before he slams his mouth against mine in a kiss as powerful as the crack of thunder overhead that brings a curtain of rain, drenching us both in seconds. His fingers tangle in my wet hair, his hot mouth sliding over mine, detonating the attraction between us in a passionate, toe-curling kiss.

Teeth clash, lips bruise, tongues slip and slide.

We grasp at each other, his chest pressed against my chest, my arms wrapped tightly around him as we claw at each other desperately, the sky above erupting in a brilliant, fiery display of lightning and thunder. We kiss, and kiss and kiss, the air shaking with the intensity of our embrace, melding together in a passionate display of lust and love. My fingers curl into Arden’s shirt as I press my body against his, electricity sparking between us, around us, above us.

The wind blows harder, whipping my hair and skirt about my body until I feel almost airborne, rain needling our skin and heightening our senses. But neither of us move to escape the deluge, content to let the storm rage on as we ravage each other’s mouths. My heart pounds in my chest as his tongue twines with mine.

“Cyn, fuck, Cyn,” he gasps, his breath hot, his dick heavy between us as he reaches up for the collar of my shirt pulling the material apart. Buttons fly off in all directions, lost beneath the dirt that’s quickly becoming mud.

“Arden, I don’t have many clothes,” I laugh, joy bubbling up my chest as I push back his hair, rivulets of water running down his face, staining his light denim shirt a dark blue.

“Do that again,” he demands, cupping my breasts through my drenched bra, his thumbs rubbing over my nipples, dirt and rain running over my skin.

Instead of laughing, I tip my head back and moan. A growl rips up Arden’s throat as he leans forward and pulls down the cup of my bra, taking me in his mouth. I clutch at his head, pulling him closer as his free hand slides down my chest and towards my thighs, gripping the material of my skirt. It’s stuck under my knees, so I grab at it, shuffling to pull it out from under me.

Arden laughs roughly and I let out a giggle that has him groaning against my chest, warm huffs of air floating over my skin like little plumes of sunshine.

“We’re so wet,” I mutter between gasps and moans, as Arden pushes up my sodden skirt over my hips and sucks my nipple back into his mouth.

“Not wet enough,” he mumbles against my skin, urging me backwards onto the grass.