“He got us into the country. He’s supplied us with weapons. Got rid of the body. We spent the afternoon at his riad without issue. The Skull Brotherhood hasn't jumped us. I think it’s safe to say we can trust him,” Arden replies.
“Fair enough,” Beast retorts, winking as he takes a sip from his cup of mint tea. “Fucking hell, that tastes bloody lovely. I’m normally a Yorkshire tea kind of man, but I could get used to this.”
“Okay, so we take the buyer’s place,” Carrick interrupts, jerking his chin towards the group of men sitting on the far side of the cafe. “What about them?”
"I'm all for a bloodbath,” Beast says with a wry grin, “But I'd rather not take out the locals if I can help it. Not their fault they're in the wrong place at the wrong time."
“Leave it with me. I can handle that," Jakub says, getting to his feet and heading over to the manager of the establishment, passing him his rucksack as they talk in low voices. He returns a moment later with a fresh pot of mint tea pouring us all a cup as the manager ushers the men out of the cafe. A minute or so after, the manager leaves with his staff, giving us a brief nod as he exits.
"What did you say exactly?" Carrick asks.
"The truth, that if he wants to live long enough to use the fifty grand stashed in that rucksack I just gave him, then I suggest he clears the building."
"You don't think he's going to contact the Gendarmerie the second he gets the chance?" Beast asks, cocking a brow.
"What and tell them that a group of criminals are waiting to jump another group of criminals in his nice, respectable shisha cafe?" Jakub retorts.
"Point well made," Beast concedes with a smirk.
"He could contact Soren, though," Carrick says.
"He could but he won't."
"How can you be so sure?" Arden asks, drawing his gun from inside his jacket and screwing on a silencer.
Jakub rests his hands on the table, entwining his fingers. "Christy."
"She had a vision?" Beast asks, brows raised.
"Yes," he confirms with a sharp nod of his head, before moving to stand. "I got a call whilst we were questioning the stall holders in the souk. She saw all this play out. How do you think we got the tip-off about the waiter?”
“So we’re going to live?” Beast asks, expectantly.
“I believe so,” Jakub confirms.
“Don’t sound too certain, mate,” Beast says with raised brows.
“Christy isn’t always able to tell us everything we want to know in case it changes the hands of fate,” Jakub explains.
Beast pulls a face. “What’s the bloody point then?”
“Just trust me on this, like I trust Christy, okay?” Jakub throws back.
Beast nods his head. “Fine, fuck. What about when we get to Soren’s hideaway?”
Jakub shrugs. “That I don’t know.”
“Bloody perfect,” Beast scowls, sliding his hand through his hair. “I guess I’ll have to just take this win. I’m all for living in the moment.”
Leon slaps Beast on the back, throwing him a look. “Sure you are.”
“I’m a dad, things are fucking different now,” Beast replies, rolling his shoulders to loosen some of the tension there. “You wait until you have a child then see how shit changes.”
“We appreciate you being here,” I say, the words rushing out before I have time to think about it.
We all knew going into this that there was a high chance of not walking back out alive. The fact Beast came with us is a blessing in and of itself, despite his constant jokes. He’s a good man. Arden was right to squash his and Grim’s debt.
“You’d better,” he grumbles back. “I don’t take on other people’s wars lightly.”