Page 36 of Curses and Cures

“And the small matter of getting into their building without our brains getting blown out the back of our heads?” Beast asks.

“We’ll figure that out along the way,” Arden replies.

“Sounds like agreatplan,” Beast retorts, his voice heavy with sarcasm as he throws me a look.

Despite my need to just get to Cyn as soon as fucking possible, I agree with Beast. “Arden, we need to think about this.”

“We have eight hours in a car to do exactly that,” he replies, before picking up speed and striding ahead of us. In a matter of seconds we lose him within the crowd of people.

“Well that went well,” Beast mutters, as Carrick strides past us with a determined look on his face.

“Let me talk to him. I’ll see you back at Karim’s,” he throws over his shoulder, jogging to catch up with Arden.

“Fuck!” I exclaim, dragging a hand over my face.

Beast grasps my arm, forcing me to stop. He jerks his chin towards a restaurant on the other side of the souk that’s filled with locals eating delicious smelling food. My stomach rumbles, adding to the grumble of Beast’s stomach.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m fucking starving. We got time to eat. Let’s go.”

“No. I want to get moving so we’re ready to go as soon as Arden’s located a driver,” I retort shaking off his arm.

Beast reaches for me again. “Listen, you fucked–,” he coughs, grinning. “I meanttalkedsome sense into Carrick, the least I can do is look out for you. You look like shit. You need to eat. Gather your strength, mate, because you’re going to need it.”

I know he’s right, my head’s fucking splitting from heat, hunger and dehydration. The last thing anyone needs is for me to get sick. “Fine. I’ll make that call to Jakub. The Masks can meet us here. Then we can all head back to Karim’s together.”

Fifteen minutes later, we’re sitting at a round table in a lively restaurant filled with tourists and locals with piles of Morrocan food on dozens of plates spread out in front of us, Jakub sitting opposite me. Konrad and Leon excused themselves five minutes after they arrived to use the toilet and haven't returned yet.

“I sure hope they’ve only drank bottled water,” Beast remarks around a mouthful of lamb and couscous, “Because we do not need to be two men down.”

Jakub arches a brow. “We won’t be.”

Beast laughs at Jakub’s confidence. “Okay then, mate. I’ll take your word for it. So, what chance do you think we have of not dying in the next twenty-four hours?”

Jakub dabs at the corner of his mouth with a napkin. “Right now. Zero.”

Beast groans. “Fuck, I thought you might say that.”

“So what’s the alternative?” I ask, frustrated. “We know where Cyn is, Karim has supplied us with weapons. Time isn’t on our side.”

“Why? Did Arden see something?” Jakub asks, shifting forward in his seat, assuming he’s had a vision.

“No. I’ve just got this feeling…” My voice trails off as I take a sip of my chilled beer before resting the cool glass against my cheek. I swear I hear it fucking sizzle.

“Yeah, it’s called indigestion,” Beast remarks, smirking.

I know he’s trying to lighten the mood, but it’s not helping. “I can’t seem to shift it,” I say, pressing the base of my palm against the centre of my chest trying to soothe the ache there. “Nothing’s helping.”

“Pretty sure you helped it a little on the plane,” Beast jibes, winking at me.

“Relieving our pain together was a temporary fix,” I reply with a little more honesty than either of us expect. “It’s not the same as having her in our arms.”

“You love her,” Jakub says, regarding me.

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t,” I say, dropping my hand.

“And the others?” he asks. “Do they love her like you do?”

“Without a doubt.”