Page 34 of Curses and Cures

For a moment he stares at me, no doubt trying to decide if I deserve more of a beating. In the end, he waves his hand and says, “Fine. Make her a potion,witch. I will ensure it gets to her before she leaves.”

Three-quarter Skull clears his throat. “And the rest, where do you want them?”

Soren grins as he sidesteps me. “I want them taken to the cells. Get the other bitches to prepare them for celebration night. They’re not to be touched by anyone until then. I want my men starving before I feed them. Understood?”

“Understood.” Three-quarter Skull gestures for the women to follow him out.

“Thank God,” I whisper, my shoulders visibly relaxing. It’s not much to hold on to, but it’s something at least. Soren hears me, sees the relief on my face. He gives me a vicious look that has me wishing that I never uttered a word.

“Wait! I’ve had a change of heart,” Soren says, smiling wickedly. “One of you lucky ladies won’t have to wait until the celebration night next week to feel the heavy weight of my cock in your cunt because one of you is going to get very fucked tonight.”

And just like that fear becomes a lit match striking every woman in turn. I watch the flame leap from one to the next, forcing their heads to drop and their shoulders to curl inwards like brittle autumnal leaves on a bonfire. It breaks my heart to see them like this, so utterly afraid, so powerless.

“So who’s it going to be?” he asks, cruelty lacing his words with poison.

My chest tightens with anxiety as Soren inspects each woman, yanking them out of the line and forcing them to look into his eyes, searching for something. I'm not sure if it's submission or a spark of fire, but either way a grotesque smile spreads across his face, only adding to the dark gleam in his eyes. Power radiates around him like a poisonous gas, making it difficult to breathe.

The vile bastard.

One by one he moves between them until he reaches the one remaining virgin, the one I lied about. “You want to wake up from this bad dream, don't you, pet?" he asks, grasping her breast as tears cascade down her cheeks.

"Please don't," she whimpers as he bruises her skin with his hateful touch.

“No,” I whisper. “Stop.”

If he hears me, he doesn’t react, he simply keeps on abusing the woman before me. Enjoying her fear, getting high on his own perverted power trip.

“Don’t touch her,” I say, more loudly this time.

“What was that you said?” Soren asks, turning to face me, his fleshless features morphing into something from my nightmares as his arm drops and he studies me.

Forcing my chin up, I glare at him. “I said don’t touch her.”

He tips his head back and laughs. An evil belly laugh that makes my skin crawl. “I can and I will.”

“She’s meant for the celebration,” I stutter out, trying to think of something, anything, to make him stop. Not to protect me because I lied about her not being a virgin, but to protect her.

“You told me I can’t touchmybitch because of her condition, which means I need to find pleasure elsewhere.”

He turns his back to me, and forcefully yanks his chosen victim against his chest, grinding his hips against hers. She sobs as he grasps her hair and yanks her head to the side, sucking on her neck. Her gaze pleads with mine, and I know he’ll break her, just like he tried to break Faith, just like he broke all the women before her.

“Stop it," I say forcefully, the command slipping past my lips in an angry rush. Fury fires in my blood and I hang on to it with all my might. If I’m angry, I’m not scared, and if I’m not scared I can save this woman. I can save us all.

“Stop? I’ve only just begun,” he replies, an evil glint in his eye as he cups her between the legs.

“Don’t!” I rush forward, grabbing his arm, yanking it away from the woman who sobs, shivering uncontrollably now. She doubles over, hugging herself, backing away.

“You dare to interrupt me? Who the fuck do you think you are?” he snarls, rounding on me as he reaches for my throat, squeezing tight.

“I can offer something better,” I choke out as his palm presses on my windpipe, cutting off my air supply.

“My bitch?” he asks.

I shake my head.

“What then?” he asks, licking his lips as he loosens his hold on my throat.

Dragging in a painful breath, I force myself to be strong, to look him dead in the eye and offer him something I know he won’t refuse.