Page 28 of Curses and Cures

I let out a blood curdling scream and Three-quarter Skull laughs, shoving me away from him roughly. I fall to the floor, but instinct and rage forces me to stand back up, my whole body trembling.

“Stop!” Faith screams, forcing herself upright, her face twisted in pain from the sudden movement. Her back bows as she stands, but regardless she moves towards me, her steps unsteady.

“No! Get back in bed,” I shout, holding my hands up and urging her with my eyes not to get involved. I wouldn’t forgive myself if this bastard hurt her and she lost the baby because she was trying to protect me.

“Well lookie here, aren’t we just best buddies. Have you been sucking on each other’s tits and getting friendly whilst Soren’s been distracted with his new bitches?” Three-quarter Skull asks, smirking.

My hate for this poor excuse for a man burns within me, but I hold my tongue. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of my response.

"Nothing to say,witch?" he taunts.

I clamp my mouth shut, and fold my arms across my chest stubbornly.

“Cynthia, please just go with him,” Faith says quietly, her soft voice filled with concern as she hobbles back to bed. “I’ll be okay.”

I glance over at her. "I won’t leave you.”

“You will,” she insists.

Three-quarter Skull grips my arm, squeezing tightly. “Listen to the bitch.”

“Please, Cynthia,” Faith begs, collapsing onto the bed.

The pain in her eyes is like a knife twisting in my gut, but if I fight this man I probably won’t see tomorrow to help her, and I have to help her. Reluctantly, I nod. “I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?"

"Okay," she whispers, giving me a tremulous smile that breaks my heart.

Her fear is a visceral thing, heavy, choking. I hate to leave her so vulnerable. I hate it, but I do it anyway. Turning my attention back to the brute, I say, "I'm ready."

“No, witch, I don’t think you are,” he says, squeezing his fingers tighter, so tight that I can feel my bones grind together from the pressure. "Now be a good bitch, and come quietly."

I have no choice but to follow.



“We haven’t got long to get what we need out of this arsehole,” I say, striding over to the man and ramming the butt of my pistol into his forehead, he groans, slowly rousing. "Wake up, motherfucker!"

"Have you tortured many men lately?" Beast asks, casually inspecting his nails before eying me. “Because generally speaking, shouting doesn’t work. In my experience, chatting to the fuckers like they’re your best mate then chopping a bollock off, does. Know what I mean?”

“Then chop a bollock off!” I reply, jabbing the man's head with the gun again.

He winces and blinks open his eyes, squinting up at me and Beast, his gaze going in and out of focus as he looks between us. Cursing in a language I don't recognise, he mutters something in broken English.

"You might want to speak up, Bones, ain't nobody hearing that," Beast says, cocking his head at the arsehole.

"I said, fuck you," he spits.

That earns him a punch to his cheek from Beast that snaps his head to the side and knocks him out once more.

"I thought you were good at this?" I say, gripping the man's hair and shaking his head. "He's out cold again. At this rate he'll be dead from a bleed to the brain before we find out where they're keeping Cyn!"

"He's not dead. I didn't hit him that hard. Just reminding him to be respectful, that's all," Beast retorts, smiling knowingly when the man starts groaning again. "See."

"Just get him to talk, and do it quickly," Arden says, turning his attention from Beast to Jakub. “We need the other car brought up to the villa. As soon as we get what we need from this bastard, we’re gone.”

“Leon and Konrad will go. I will help with the questioning,” he replies.