Page 44 of Curses and Cures

“What?” I question, disliking the look in his eyes.

“We’ve got a visitor. He’s in the van with Karim.”

“A visitor? What the fuck are you talking about?” Lorcan asks before I’m able to.

Beast slams his palm against the counter and grins. “The fucker made it? I knew he would.”

My head snaps around as I glare at Beast. “Who’smade it?”

“Connall. Figured we could use his help. As soon as we arrived at the port, I told him where we were. Looks like he arrived just in the nick of time.”

“Are we talking aboutConnall O’Brien? Cyn’s uncle?” I ask, gritting my jaw.

“Yes,” Carrick replies with a sharp nod of his head.

“Fuck!” Lorcan exclaims.

Beast frowns. “Look, he ain’t informed the rest of the O’Briens about this little hiccup with Cyn, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Beast says. “But whilst I agreed with Christy not to share the fact Cyn’s spent the last six months with you, I ain’t about to hide the fact his niece is in mortal fucking danger. He’d fucking kill me for keeping that from him.”

“You’ve no idea what you’ve done!” I exclaim, fuming.

“Done? He’s here to help. He’s my best mate and I trust him with my life. Not to mention he’s one of the good ones,” Beast counters, looking at me like I’ve grown another head.

“I’m not sure Cyn will agree with that statement,” I reply tightly. “Fuck!”

“I know Cyn’s been estranged from her mother’s side of the family and all, but that ain’t Con’s fault. So what the fuck you on about? ”

“Why don’t you ask him,” I counter, pressing the gun harder into the man’s head and striding out of the cafe, ignoring Beast’s incredulous questions as the rest of the guys follow me out.

“This has complicated matters,” Carrick mutters as he jumps into the main body of the van alongside Lorcan and The Masks.

“No shit,” I reply, cutting a look at Beast who hugs Connall then shoots me a confused look as they slide into the seat upfront beside Karim. “But it’s not up to us to tell Beast what Connall did.”

“Is there something we need to be aware of?” Jakub asks as I shove the guy into the back of the van. He hits the floor with a thud, and I rest my boot in the small of his back.

“Not something that’s any of your business,” I say curtly, turning to our prisoner. “Face down on the floor. Arms above your head.”

“Very well,” Jakub replies, having the good sense not to press the point.

Carrick grabs a couple of cable ties from his rucksack and chucks one to Leon who is sitting opposite us on the bench that runs the length of the van.

“Tie his hands to the bench,” he instructs doing the same on his side. Fetching two more cable ties he hands one to Lorcan and chucks the other to Jakub who’s sitting nearest to the man’s feet. “Now the feet.”

Once he’s secure, I take a seat between Carrick and Lorcan just as the van picks up speed.

“You’ll pay for this,” the man snarls, attempting to lift his head to look at me.

“Doubtful,” I reply, shoving it back down with the butt of my gun as I lean over him. “I need the location of the rendezvous point.”

“Why the fuck should I give it to you?” he snarls. “You’re only going to kill me anyway. I’ve got fuck all to lose by not telling you.”

“Everyone has something to lose,” I reply, cocking my head to the side as he looks at me. “Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, children, lovers, a fucking bestfriend…” It’s an empty threat. I know it. Lorcan and Carrick know it. We don’t hurt the innocent. This fucker, however, doesn’t know that.

“You don't know anything about me. This is the first time we’ve crossed paths and I sure as fuck won’t tell you my name. So good luck with that.”

“Are you sure about that?” I goad, kneeling beside him as I curl my fingers in his straw-blonde hair and twist his head to face me. “Have you heard of the Deana-dhe?”

The man’s face pales, all blood leaching from his skin. He blinks up at me, taking in my appearance, registering my accent. I can literally see his thought processes unfold behind his eyes. First it’s disbelief, followed by fear, then finally resignation.