Page 30 of Curses and Cures

The man whimpers and shakes his head, trying to loosen the stub, but I see some of the fight leaving him as his body registers the pain and he begins to shake violently.

“The key to successful torture is not pushing too hard too quickly. We don’t want this fucker’s mind to detach from his body and the pain,” Beast says, as he pulls out the knife and gives the man a moment. He turns to Arden and Jakub. “I need a piss. Let him stew for a bit. I’ll be right back.”

Beast returns a couple of minutes later, giving us a wink as he re-enters the room. Crouching down in front of the man, he rests the tip of the blade under his thumb nail, then says, "I can tell you now that cutting off your dick would be far less painful than sliding this knife under your nail," he says knowingly.

“Wanna talk?”

He remains stubbornly quiet.

“Fine,” Beast huffs, then rams the blade beneath the man's thumbnail removing it and a good portion of flesh and muscle across his knuckle.

The scream that follows is louder than a fucking freight train passing through a station. I almost cover my ears, not in sympathy but in annoyance. I’m getting a fucking headache.

“Are you gonna tell us what we want to know?” Beast persists.

The bastard shakes his head so Beast does the same thing to his pointer finger, moving to each finger every time the man refuses to reply. By the time he gets to the man's pinky finger he's begging for Beast to stop, to end the torture.

"Enough," Arden says, stepping forward. He crouches beside the man, cupping his chin and forcing him to look up. "The pain will stop if you just tell us where Soren is keeping our woman. But if you don't I will make sure that Beast removes all your toenails in the same way, then I will watch him strip your skin from your body slowly, inch by excruciating inch."

“Okay,okay,” the man replies, before he starts talking quickly in a language that's unrecognisable to anything I've ever heard before.

"In English," Arden says, his voice soft, deadly.

“Marrakech,” he pants.

“That’s Morocco, right?” Beast asks.

“Yes,” Arden replies, dropping the man's face then rearing upright. Meeting my gaze, he sweeps his eyes from me to Jakub, then says, “Let's go get our girl.”

“Don’t be fucking stupid,” the man laughs hysterically, bloody spittle flying from his mouth. “The Skull Brotherhood will end you.”

Arden doesn’t bother to respond. Instead, with one sharp jerk of his chin towards Beast, he strides from the room. Jakub and I follow suit, the gurgling sound of a dying man choking on his own blood following us out.



"This isn't the lab," I say, my heart racing as Three-quarter Skull pushes open a heavy wooden door inlaid with gold rivets, revealing a small, dark room with thick, patterned rugs covering the floor. The only light comes from a single gas lamp lit in the far corner of the room.

As I step inside, the smell of absolute terror fills my nostrils and as my eyes adjust to the light. I'm shocked to see half a dozen naked women to my left, shaking with fear and stricken with grief.

I open my mouth to ask him what's going on, but before I can get the words out Soren strides into the room, his lips curling into a smirk as he takes in the frightened women huddled together.

"GET UP!" he roars, bare-chested except for the skeletal tattoos and a pair of loose black slacks covering his legs. The room is so dimly lit that he actually looks like a walking, talking skeleton, the definition of his muscles lost to shade and shadow.

A portion of the women jump to their feet quickly, but a few take their time standing, their fear making it difficult for them to move fast enough.

"Get them into position," Soren orders with a terse wave of his hand.

"Sir," Three-quarter Skull replies, striding over to the women and ushering them to the other side of the room, their cries gutting me as he shoves at them. One woman has a swollen left eye and there’s a cut to her lip. She’s sobbing hysterically. My fingers curl into fists, my blood boiling with rage as Soren turns his attention back to me.

"Cyn," he says, lips curling as his salacious gaze drinks me in. "You have no idea how much I've been looking forward to seeing you again."

The feeling is definitely not mutual, but I keep those thoughts to myself.

"How's my bitch doing?" he asks, cocking his head to the side as he takes a step closer.

I consider not answering him, but that would lead to a beating and my head's still ringing from Three-quarter Skull's punch to my face.