Page 76 of Sinful Honor

My chest tightened with guilt as I realized my mistake could’ve cost me my life—or worse, the lives of my family members. Or hers.

It didn’t even occur to me to set the alarm again after carrying my beautiful captive inside.

What a rookie mistake.


Alessandro chuckled. “Well, it’s reassuring to catch the oh-so-perfect Gabriele Falcone making a mistake.”

“What makes you think I’m perfect?”

“Well, Papa—”

Alessandro cut Cristo off with one swift look. “Just assumed you thought you were. What with that giant ego of yours.”

I stared at Alessio. Silence stretched between us. What else was he thinking about me? What else was he planning? “Well, you assumed wrong.”

“Relax, Gabe,” Cristo tried to reassure me, placing a hand on my shoulder. “None of us are perfect. Besides, we’ll find the bastards responsible for this and make them pay.”

“Right,” I agreed, taking a deep breath. “Let’s focus on tracking down whoever fed them our blueprints and insider information. I want them found and dealt with immediately.”

“Of course,” Alessio said, clearly still annoyed with me. But as much as I wanted to believe he had nothing to do with the leak, I couldn’t shake my doubts completely.

“Look, we’re in this together,” Cristo reminded us both, trying to diffuse the tension. “We might not always see eye to eye, but we’re still family.”

“Family,” I echoed, forcing myself to meet Alessandro’s gaze. In that moment, I prayed that my instincts were wrong and that my brother was truly on my side.

Only time would tell if our bond was strong enough to withstand the storm brewing all around us.

“What do you know about Uncle Fausto’s surveillance system?”

“Fausto’s? Why?” Alessandro asked.

“Why weren’t you with us this evening?” I retorted.

“I had some business to take care of,” Alessandro said. “There was some trouble in one of our nightclubs a couple of days ago. The situation needed some hands-on attention.”

I narrowed my eyes. Cristo had briefed me on our family’s business on the flight over. Papa had been aggressively expanding the holdings over the past decade. He’d always been a savvy businessman, a good networker, and he’d used his talents and influence to make our family one of the leading families in all of Italy.

I sank into one of the chairs, my eyes sweeping over the monitors displaying various angles of our property. It was evident that I had to up my game if I wanted to keep my family safe. “What do you guys know about Fausto’s? I checked out his security—it’s tight. But what about his surveillance?” I asked, hoping they had some inside information.

I came into this game with a serious disadvantage—a lack of knowledge. But I would soon catch up.

And this cat-and-mouse game would turn into me trampling our enemies like ants.

Alessandro raised an eyebrow at me suspiciously. “Why do you want to know?”

“Curiosity,” I responded, avoiding his gaze.

Cristo smirked, clearly amused by my evasiveness. He knew about my little captive.

I silenced him with a look. “We need more intel on Uncle Fausto.”

But instead of being intimidated, Cristo winked at me and said, “Let’s just say we’ve heard Fausto has a pretty tight security and surveillance system. And since he’s most likely our biggest threat, it’s in our all interest to find his weaknesses.”

At least he didn’t spill the beans. “We need to know what he has planned, don’t you agree, Alessio?” I stared at my brother.

“Fine,” Alessandro agreed reluctantly, still eyeing me with suspicion. “I’ll seewhat I can find.”