There was a slight shift, then a bout of fresh air hit my skin and made me break out in goose bumps.
He pushed his crotch against my ass, pushing me forward.
I took a hesitant step and felt for the wall.
But where the back wall of the closet should’ve been was only empty darkness.
I stepped forward, feeling my way with my hands on both sides.
After stepping over the threshold, the area widened.
What the hell was this thing?
He still had one arm slung around my waist, his hand resting on my stomach—grounding me enough to move forward in complete darkness.
I trusted him to keep me from falling to my death or running into a wall.
“Stop,” he whispered.
I froze. Felt the shift in the air when the door behind us silently snatched back into place.
Then he turned a switch, and two rows of red fluorescent lights illuminated the room.
I looked around at a row of monitors on the one side, a door on the wall farthest away from us, and a sofa to our right.
The room wasn’t big, just big enough to have a little bit of walking room between the desk by the monitors and the sofa.
“What is this?” I turned around and came flush against him.
He grabbed my arms.
“Listen to me. I need you to be silent and stay here. Can you do that for me?”
I stared into his dark eyes. I couldn’t see the blue, could just see the urgency.
I stared back. “Why?”
He left me, walked toward the monitors, and powered them on.
The black surface transformed into a wall of CCTV streams, twelve in total.
What the ever-living hell?
He pointed at one in particular.
I watched two men in black ski masks coming through a door.
There was a recliner positioned right next to the bed—the same bed I’d slept in just moments ago.
They were in the bedroom.
I snapped my eyes to him.
He shrugged.
“Are they here to take me back?”
I didn’t know why my mind went there—maybe because my biggest fear—even bigger than being the blue-eyed devil’s captive—was to go back to my tormentor, back to the cage, back to the pain.