Page 37 of Sinful Honor

Now I was a prisoner again.

A prisoner of him.

Which might turn out even worse.

There were voices coming in from the outside, and I froze.

I could hear car doors open and close.

Then the beeping of the vehicle I was in.


I tried my arms again. I’d learned in my self-defense classes how to get rid of all kinds of bonds, but it all required at least wiggle room, which I had none of, and a little bit of space between the arms—which was also non-existent.

The car shook when someone sat down.

“I’ll drive,” someone said, then they turned the motor on.

We started to move, and I started to panic.

Where would they take me?

Would I ever be free again?

Would I ever see my sisters, my family, again?

Would it be worse?

The Ape never let anyone touch me there. Wasn’t even interested in anything sexual—except when he told me to suck the Bull’s dick.

He was more interested in my pain. So, I was still a virgin—for now. Which was a miracle in and of itself.

But I’d seen how the blue-eyed devil looked at me, how he touched my skin.

He wouldn’t content himself with whipping me.

He would swallow me whole.

Take me—even against my will.

If the Ape was a hellhound. The blue-eyed devil was the devil himself.

And he wouldn’t show any mercy.

“Remain quiet, Stellina, and soon we’ll talk.”

It took me a few seconds to realize the words had been spoken in English. And it took me a couple of seconds more to realize they were directed at me.

Stellina. He’d called me that before.

Made up a name because I refused to tell him mine.

And I would keep refusing.

Because whatever I could control, I would control.

I might be a prisoner. A slave. But I needed to hold on.