Page 34 of Sinful Honor

There it was.

The beast inside of me.

I’d hidden it well these past thirteen years. I thought that making sure I was only the executioner and not the judge would kill it.

I’d trusted Hawk’s judgment, trusted his morals.

But nevertheless, the seed of darkness was within me.

The beast was a part of me.

And I would rain hell on everyone who crossed me.

I chuckled.

I’d been hesitant if I could go back.

Now I knew.

Darkness was my natural environment.

I was born for it. Bred for it. And I signed on with my first kill of an innocent man.

And if my soul was damned anyway, I would make sure at least hers would stay bright like starlight.

I took her listless body into a fireman’s carry and silently made my way through the dark garden.

Once we arrived at the driveway, I dumped her behind the garage.

Getting her into one of the vehicles without being seen would be tricky.

My only hope was to find one that was unlocked or pick the lock—without triggering the alarm.

I tried the last vehicle in the long row of black Mercedes SUVs.



Same as the next one, and the next.

I was coming awfully close to the two guards standing by the first vehicle, smoking and chatting.


There were only two ways to follow someone—or hide someone.

Stay invisible or make sure they only notice you.

“Hey.” I stepped into the light and waved at the two guards.

They both drew their weapons, but I kept my hands up and out when I walked toward them.

They came closer.

I didn’t look back—erased her from my memory completely.

Make sure they only notice you.