“Are you okay?” Alessio asked her, breaking the silence.
I straightened and strained my ears.
Sophie shifted her weight in her seat, the movement drawing my attention back to her.
The curve of her neck, the stray lock of hair that fell over her shoulder, her pale skin…all of it screamed at me, beckoned me to grab her, hold her in my lap, and claim her as mine.
But she continued to ignore me, refused to even glance in my direction.
And my anger grew.
“I’m fine. Thanks, Alessio.”
She didn’t look fine.
A storm brewed inside me, a deadly mixture of longing and frustration.
Her place was next to me, that was crystal clear in my mind.
I wanted her more than anything, but at the same time, I needed her to want me, too.
Needed her to want to be by my side, not to be forced.
“Is there anything I can do?” Alessio asked, disrupting my thoughts. “Something to eat? Drink?”
“No,” she replied curtly, shifting her gaze from my brother back to the window.
When the intercom came to life, and the pilot alerted us that we were cleared for take-off, my brother took the seat opposite from her and buckled himself in before sending me a look I couldn’t decipher.
The private jet taxied to the runway, then the engines roared to life, and I felt the force of acceleration pressing me back into my seat.
Every bruise, every unhealed cut, and my pounding head screamed at me, but I gritted my teeth and forced my body to relax.
My eyes darted over to her again.
She looked unbothered by the acceleration, but I couldn’t help but worry about her. She looked like she couldn’t even withstand a slight gust of wind.
Her clothes hung from her body.
Shouldn’t she have put on weight at this stage? Not lost it?
And would flying affect her, now that she was pregnant?
And how was she feeling anyway?
Morning sickness? Any other complications?
Was she taking those prenatal vitamins I read about?
I ran my fingers through my hair. I needed her to talk to me. Needed her to let me take care of her and the baby.
I made a mental note to arrange for a midwife to stay with her at all times.