I shrugged. “Yesterday. It’s the best solution for now. I will stay here, be independent, raise my baby, and build a future for us away from…everything.”
I thought long and hard about my life and my baby’s future. Owning a bookshop would give me independence from everyone. Plus, I could take my child with me to work.
My father would disapprove.
Of course, he would.
But I couldn’t stay in the same place. Couldn’t stay on my father’s side, hidden in my golden cage—miserable. Just to make everyone else happy except for me.
I wanted more.
And I wanted more for my child.
A better future.
One away from organized crime where violence and killing people were scarily normal.
“Congratulations, Soph.” Fiona wrapped me in a big hug. “I think it’s great—even though you’re crazy for wanting to stay in Ireland, I’d love to have you here. Have you told your dad?”
I shook my head.
Fiona grimaced. “Uncle Craig will go bonkers.”
I nodded.
I was in for the fight of my life…and that of my baby.
“Let’s grab a coffee before it starts pouring,” I said, led her outside, locked the door behind me, and directed her to the coffee shop right next to my new shop.
Even though the thought of coffee alone gave me hives, maybe I could keep down a couple of sips of nice, warm chamomile tea.
“Good morning.” We entered “The Brew”—a very hip-looking place, with a modern but cozy feel—and took a table.
Liam, the owner, came right up. “Sophie, so good to see you. I had the best idea after our chat yesterday.”
“Hit me,” I said and smiled at Liam. He was attractive—in an artsy kind of way, probably in his early thirties, with a positive energy that radiated from him and infected everyone in his vicinity.
He’d just opened The Brew a month ago, though it seemed like he’d been doing it for years, had been born to run a coffee shop.
“How about you call your shop Pages? Get it? Brew and Pages, doesn’t that sound awesome? We could even hang up a new joint sign.”
I stared at him with my mouth hanging open. That was the most amazing idea ever.
I’d already obsessed last night about finding a name for the shop.
“Brew & Pages” had a great ring to it.
Liam’s face fell when I didn’t react immediately, and I jumped up and grabbed his forearms, mostly to steady myself since the rapid movement made stars burst in my vision and dizziness swamp me. “Liam. I love it! Let’s do it.” I painted an invisible sign into the air. “Brew & Pages.” I could imagine it perfectly.
He grabbed me around my waist and twirled me around the room while smiling broadly.
I laughed, completely at ease, and was delighted at this moment of happiness for the first time in forever.
I would be okay.
And even though I had just met Liam, I already knew we would become great friends.
The same way I knew the second I met Gabe, being friends was not an option.