Page 138 of Sinful Honor

“Are you even listening?” Fausto hissed, snapping me back to the present. “When your father decided to expand into the Fentanyl business a couple of months ago, he stepped on some toes. Some very big, very unforgiving toes.”


“Everybody knew Fentanyl was Moretti business.” Fausto’s voice rose with each new detail of his version of the events that had transpired, his soft and smooth baritone layered with urgency and fake concern. “Your father thought there was room enough for two major importers. But he was wrong.”

I couldn’t wrap my head around the dire picture of my father’s decisions and actions he painted.

Because even though I hadn’t spoken to him in more than a decade, the man Fausto described was not the man I knew and loved.

I exchanged a look with Alessio whose narrowed brows didn’t make me feel any better.

Fausto wrung his hands as he told an elaborate story about the old feud between the Morettis and Falcones—that my father allegedly sparked again.

I watched Fausto, his wiry hair, combed neatly across the top of his head, thick and poofy in the front, thinning in the back, like a balding man in denial.

His body was sagging—a testament to his age, unhealthy lifestyle—and black soul.

“Get to the point,” I growled, my patience wearing thin.

“Fine,” he said, feigning hurt. “There are some new developments you should be aware of.”

My heart thundered in my chest, bracing for whatever venomous words were about to spill from his lips.

“Salvatore Moretti has his eyes set on your mother. He’s had her under surveillance for months now.”


“He’s gearing to make a move.”

A move? On my mother? Only a man without honor would even consider taking revenge on a woman.

“I tried to protect your mother. Even offered to marry her.”

As if his offer to marry my mother was pure selflessness—when in truth, everyone knew about his sickening preferences and the untimely deaths of all of his previous wives.

A storm of emotions churned within me—anger and an unquenchable thirst to wrap my hands around his throat and watch him die.

Fausto smiled and squeezed my shoulder as if I was oblivious to the twisted web of deceit and betrayal that had entangled our family—because of him, because of his doings.

I wouldn’t put it past him to have orchestrated this clash with the Moretti family.

I narrowed my lids. Was he actively sabotaging the family?

Probably. He must’ve been pissed about me shutting down his trafficking operation. Was this payback? Was this his newest plan to get rid of me?

But amidst all those thoughts, one still burned brighter than the rest—this bastard had put hands on Sophie, had held her in a cage. Had hurt her.

And for that alone, he deserved to die.

I was done fighting to keep my hatred under control.

Was done holding back.

I would set up a meeting with Salvatore Moretti and do what my father would’ve done. Settle this like every honorable man would. And then I would come after Fausto—kill him, openly and honestly.

It was time to face the demons within myself and those lurking in the shadows. It was time to make peace with the stone-cold killer inside of me.

It was time to trust my own decisions of who deserved to live and who deserved to die—because Fausto deserved to die.