“Because I was careless. I should’ve done it before we left.”
“You don’t need to take care of me.”
I leaned my back against the kitchen counter, folded my arms over my chest, and didn’t dignify that stupid statement with an answer.
I kidnapped her, locked her in my room, held her hostage, and took her virginity. It was my duty to care for her—which included not forgetting to feed her.
I cooked the pasta al dente, as my nonna taught me, then watched her eat.
She swallowed her first bite while holding my gaze, and my dick instantly hardened.
When she slid her tongue over her lips and moaned, I held my breath and tightened my grip on the counter behind me.
Watching Sophie eat pasta was more of a turn-on than any other encounter I’d ever had with any other woman.
Sexual or otherwise.
Nothing had ever been this sensual, this captivating.
Not even playing with the most gorgeous subs at the club.
“Thank you,” she said after she’d polished off her plate. “That was incredibly delicious.”
Nothing better than a woman with a healthy appetite.
She licked her lips once more, then folded her hands in her lap, looking incredibly young and innocent…and sexy.
“You can thank me next time by letting me finger-fuck you while you eat.”
Her eyes locked with mine, and a blush turned her pale skin rosy red.
If I made it my mission in life to make her blush every day, I would die a happy man.
“Let’s get ready.”
She narrowed her eyes, but instead of calling me out on my brash comment, gave a breathless “okay.” Turned me on even more.
Was there time for a quick romp?
I led her to my room.
My eighteen-year-old-self room which I hadn’t seen ever since.
Thank God my mamma had removed all traces of posters full of dark, sarcastic humor and those showing my obsession with heavy metal bands.
“Do you want to shower?”
She nodded.
I nodded at the bathroom, then went in search of a dress for her as soon as she closed the door behind her.
Thank God my mother’s walk-in closet was overflowing with clothes in all sizes, shapes and forms.
I brought a couple of black dresses back to the room, then stripped.
And it took more self-restraint not to join her than I cared to acknowledge.