Page 75 of Sinful Honor

“Guys, come on,” Cristo intervened, stepping between us. “We’re family, not enemies. Let’s focus on finding out who did this and make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

“Fine,” I spat, my eyes never leaving Alessandro. “What do we know about the intruders?”

“Nothing yet,” Cristo admitted. “No identification—their fingerprints aren’t usable—acid, most likely. But we’ll find out soon.”

“Damn right, we will,” I said, turning on my heel. “And when we do, whoever is responsible will pay for this.” I stared down Alessandro and watched for any signs of insecurity, any signs of deception.

His jaw was set in a stubborn line, but his gaze remained steady.

For now, I’d have to give him the benefit of the doubt. But I would keep my guard up.

“Any idea who wants me dead—apart from Uncle Fausto, that is?” I looked between them, my brothers, the family I came back to protect.

Who else had the resources and motive to infiltrate our security and attempt to assassinate me?

Uncle Fausto was the obvious choice. He coveted control of the Falcone family, and with me as the rightful heir out of the picture, he’d have no obstacle seizing power. I’d seen it in his greedy eyes last night.

But this seemed too stealthy, too understated. Fausto was many things, but subtle wasn’t one of them. If he wanted to kill me, he would have done it in front of as many eyes of the family as he could manage—like poison my drink in front of everyone.

My mind went back to my beautiful captive. Would she have nightmares again?


I mentally slapped myself. Here I was, thinking with my dick instead of my head again. Even though our lives were at stake.

“There’s a few families who might seize the opportunity for a power grab,” Alessandro said.

“I need names and background information.” Time to get up to speed with all the enemies I’d made before even setting foot in my homeland. “How did they get in?”

“Seems like they had a little help,” Alessandro muttered darkly, his eyes narrowing. “They had the blueprints of our property. They knew exactly where the motion detectors and cameras were, and they even knew where your bedroom was located.”

“Son of a bitch,” I cursed, feeling rage bubble up inside of me again. My heart raced as my mind processed the information. Someone close to us had leaked this intel to our enemies, and that betrayal stung more than the actual security breach.

“Does Fausto have the plans of Castello dei Pietra?”

Alessandro and Cristo both shrugged. He was my father’s brother; it was very likely he knew everything there was to our home.

“Take a look at this,” Cristo said, beckoning me over to the monitors and restarting the surveillance video. The three of us watched as the intruders scaled the wall surrounding our property, expertly avoiding detection until they reached the mansion itself.

Cristo rewound to the point where the two dark figures climbed the wall surrounding our family castle. “They found the one spot on our wall not covered by motion detectors.”

I frowned. “Why didn’t you know that one spot? You were always the one who could get in and out undetected.”

Cristo grinned. “Who said I didn’t know the spot?”

I scraped my hands through my hair, then retied it. “You should’ve fixed that a long time ago.”

Alessandro, who came up to Cristo’s right, snapped his fingers against Cristo’s ear. “Yes, bro. You’re putting us all in danger.”

Cristo flipped him off.


“How about the house—how did they breach security?”

Alessandro sighed. “As it turns out, someone forgot to activate it, after taking a trip out of their private suite and onto their deck. Or was it the hot tub?” He turned to me and looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

Fuck me.