I sighed. My first instinct was to keep quiet—not tell anyone about my beautiful captive. But Hawk was probably the only person on Earth I trusted implicitly.
Even with this.
He’d earned my trust. Had never once let me down. Not in all those years. Well, except for screwing with me at the airport meeting. “I picked up a little trouble and might need an extraction.”
“You’re already quitting? Didn’t expect that.” Disappointment laced his voice.
Even though Hawk was barely a decade older than me, he’d been a mentor from the start, almost more a father figure than a big brother. Earning and keeping his respect had always been important to me. “Not for me.”
“Who then?”
“The little trouble I picked up.” I turned my head again so I could see her. She’d turned around and was lying with her back to me now. She’d bunched up the cover between her legs, and my too-big shirt was covering only half her back. A deep throbbing of fury settled into my stomach. The marks visible on her lower back were red and angry. Everybody knew you had to be careful on the lower back, careful not to damage any organs.
“Where did you pick up trouble?”
Hawk pulled me out of my mental tailspin. “My uncle’s.” The words tasted bitter in my mouth.
“And I assume that trouble has a name?”
I rubbed my neck. She had—not that she would tell me—which fucked with my head far more than it should. On some—very twisted level, I wanted her to trust me.
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thanks, Hawk.”
“Stay alive long enough to thank me in person later. A certain employee of mine is driving me crazy—so I might need some vacay on a beautiful Italian beach soon.”
I chuckled. There was only one person on Earth who had the ability to drive Hawk crazy—Elizabeth Bennett, aka Birdie. Incidentally, Hawk had been Birdie’s guardian before she came to work for Raptor Security as soon as she turned eighteen.
From day one, there had been a certain chemistry between those two—though after Birdie went rogue and hunted down a cartel princess who caused her brother’s death on her own—that chemistry had grown into an explosive mixture just waiting for combustion.
What they needed was a good, old clear-the-air romp in the hay.
Not that they’d acted on it—not yet. But I knew Hawk. He was a fellow Dom, and one thing that made his motor run more than anything else was taming a brat. And Birdie was the biggest brat of all.
My eyes skipped back to the bed.
Maybe the second biggest.
“Will do. And I would love to welcome you here.”
“Great. I’ll be checking in with you.”
I ended the call.
Hawk and working for Raptor Security had been a big part of my life. Was leaving it all behind the right decision?
Maybe. Yes.
My family was more important.
My beautiful captive stirred, and I focused back on her.