Page 148 of Sinful Honor

I clenched my hands into fists, then looked down at my feet and exhaled my frustration. “Why is she in Ireland?”

Jemma smiled. “She put an ocean between herself and Dad before she told him she’s pregnant. Smart move, if you ask me—” Suddenly, her face turned serious as if she’d just added two and two together. “It’s yours, isn’t it?”

I nodded.

“Well, you better get the hell out of here because Dad is like an angry bull charging along the streets of Pamplona. If he catches you here, he will kill you.”

That was a risk I was willing to take. Because running away like a coward would be taking the easy way out. And I’d done that once—when I sent Sophie back home, instead of fighting to keep her by my side.

“You’ve been to Pamplona?” Vince asked, folded his arms over his stomach, and openly stared at her.

What the hell was that?

Jemma looked from me to him, gave him a slow—and perfectly inappropriate—once-over before she said, determination vibrating in her voice, “No. But I will.”

Vince nodded but remained silent.

“Let’s find out how mad he really is,” I said and turned, ready to face Craig Donnelly and whatever consequences he deemed adequate.

“Wait,” Jemma squeezed by me and blocked the entrance to her father’s room. “Let me wake him up.”

I nodded.

It didn’t matter. If he was as angry as Hawk and Jemma had told me, I would probably not make it out alive. I turned to Vince. “I need you to support Alessio as best as you can. He’s ready and able to take over the family.”

Vince narrowed his eyebrows, released a breath, then nodded.

The door opened.

I turned and faced Sophie’s father.

“What are you doing in my home?”

“Just a friendly visit.”

There was a pause, and he stared at me with narrowed brows. “And the reason for this visit?”


Rage made his eyes glitter in the dim light, a muscle over his jaw tightened, and I could feel the barely contained energy coming from him in waves.

“You bastard.” His voice was nothing more than an angry growl while he kept on staring at me.

I squared my stance, suppressed all movement, projecting an image of strength and carelessness. “You know I am.”

Craig Donnelly laughed, but it was a self-deprecating laugh. “And to add insult to injury, I begged you to find her and bring her back to me. You.”

I nodded and kept my gaze locked on him.

“You took her against her will.”

I cocked my head. It wasn’t quite like that. But Sophie’s father didn’t need to know the details. What he needed were facts. The facts of how the future will look like from now on. “I’m here to take her home.”

“This is her home.”

“This was her home. She’s pregnant with my child. Her new place is next to me.”

“Over my dead body.”