Page 7 of Righteous Deceit

“They don’t have a choice. They keep fucking with our deal. They offered me one sister, and then Necktie Ferrari went and caught feelings like a sap. Caterina is my consolation prize, and I accepted the change without argument. They’ll wait until I’m ready to make good on my end.”

The thought of Salvatore married sits strangely in my stomach. My brother is a happy loner. He has the men he’s required to surround himself for business reasons, but me aside, his friend list is short. Watching him tie himself to another soul is so far out of character, I worry about how he’ll handle it.

“I would like you to check in on Caterina.” He shifts in his seat for the first time in the thirty minutes we’ve been talking. Her presence makes him uncomfortable, not that he’d ever admit it.

I nod. “Of course.”

“I won’t have time to settle her into life in Chicago when I’m released. I would like her comfortable and undemanding of my time when I leave this shithole.”

“I’m not a babysitter.”

“No. But she could use a friend.”

Shit, I could use one of those, so I agree with a soft nod before clearing my throat. “CJ has been calling me.”

Salvatore waits for me to continue, unperturbed by the information. It’s not a shocking revelation. CJ is my late husband’s eldest son.

I remain quiet.

“What are you not telling me?”

I stare at him.

“Alessia,” he warns.

“Charles had certainstipulationswritten into his Will.”

My brother sits up straighter, leaning forward. “What kind of stipulations?”

“Don’t snap at me like that.” My spine straightens.

“Alessia.” My name is nothing but an exasperated sigh.

“When Charles died, certain parts of his estate automatically transferred into my name. He did it to ensure I was looked after financially.”

“You don’t need to be looked after financially.”

My lips flatten. “Charles was a gentleman. I was his wife.”

“He was a geriatric who wanted a trophy on his arm and a link to the outfit.”

My eyes narrow. “Stop it.”

“The stipulations, Alessia,” he pushes.

“These assets were mine until such a time that I die.” My brother growls. “Or I remarry.”

He says nothing.

“His business has also been entrusted to me.”

“What?” He yells loud enough to pull the attention of everyone in the room. He scowls at the room in its entirety, and every person, children included, is smart enough to look away. “Why?” He lowers his voice.

“Control your temper,” I bite out. “It’s just paperwork. CJ, Caleb, and Callum need to meet certain conditions before his conglomerate transfers back to them.”

“Sign everything over to them right the fuck now, Alessia.”
