Page 23 of Righteous Deceit

The soft click of high heels sounds along the balcony, and the conversation drops away as Salvatore’s sister approaches us. Her face is tipped down and focused on her phone, but even without seeing her face, I’d recognize her body anywhere.

My mouth goes dry.

The heavy sway of her hips are encased in a skintight skirt that cinches at the pull of her waist and fits all the way down to her ankles. Her feet, normally bare and subject to the elements, are pushed into high heels that were the melody of her arrival. Her sheer black blouse cuffs at the wrists and ties at her neck in a soft, satin bow. It stretches comfortably over her generous-sized tits, and I stand taller as my throat closes over.

Her auburn hair hangs loosely over her shoulders, and her painted-red lips tip up into a smile when she finally lifts her head.

Images attack every corner of my mind, and I can’t begin to determine what is reality and what is my mind reminding me of the way I carried her, the first time I saw her face, the moment she whispered to me in Italian. Her scent. Her skin. Her lips. Her laugh. Her shocked gasp.

I rub a hand down my face.

“Gentlemen, apologies for my tardiness. My husband passed away over a year ago, and the saga of his estate continues.”

Lorenzo, Leonardo, and Vincent all stand. She shakes each of their hands, introducing herself as Alessia Lincoln, confidently and more of a huntress than I have ever seen her.

Finally, her eyes meet mine, and I hate the disappointment that settles inside me when she smiles at me like a stranger. “Hello.”

I dip my chin.

“Diego Greco,” Lorenzo introduces me before I can find my voice.

“Is there a reason you’re standing over there, Diego Greco, and not seated with the rest of us?”

My jaw clenches. “Caterina and Salvatore’s nuptials are not my area of business.”

Please recognize my voice.

Please recognize something, any-fucking-thing about me.

Please put me out of my misery by recognizing our connection.

“Ah.” She smiles, and the white line of her teeth shines against the sun. “You’re an added layer of protection in case my brother and I decide to take revenge for the fact that you”—she points at Vincent—“stole Bianca Rossi and devastated my brother’s hopeful heart.”

Salvatore smirks.

“He looks positively heartbroken.” Vincent sips his whiskey.

“Oh, absolutely,” Alessia agrees. “But you can relax, Diego. There is no ill will. Take a seat. You’re making me uncomfortable.”

Everyone at the table turns to look at me.

“It would make me uncomfortable to sit,” I say before I can stop myself.

She stares at me, and I wish I hadn’t said what I did, wanting nothing more right now than to move closer and stare into the golden flecks of her hazel eyes.


Her head tips to the side, and her stare doesn’t falter.

“Diego, sit the fuck down,” Lorenzo bites out.

I move toward the table, pulling out the chair directly across from Alessia fucking Lincoln. “After you.”


She settles into her seat, smiling when I do the same. “Good boy.”

Rage stiffens my spine, and I grind my teeth loud enough to be heard across the balcony.