“That’s not family, Sia. Family, blood-related or not, are the people who enrich your life.”
I yawn, and he places a hand on my knee. “Go get some sleep. I’ll be here for a few more hours.”
“I can stay with you.”
“Sia. Sleep.”
I stand and stretch. “Can I at least make you another coffee before I head to bed?”
“Go to bed.”
Without second-guessing myself, I lean down and press my lips to his in a quick kiss. “Wake me if anything happens.” I gesture to his screen.
He rubs a thumb under his lips. “I will. Night, Sia.”
“Good night.”
Islept like the dead.
The trauma from the forest and the intimacy shared with Diego came together like the ultimate sleeping tablet, and I was out the moment my head hit my pillow. I didn’t stir until late this morning when I woke with a start. I had stumbled out of my room to find Diego still sitting at the dining table, his eyes wide and his body lax with fatigue.
He confessed to drinking eight cups of coffee to keep him awake, and after I managed to get him to eat something, he conceded to showering and closing his eyes forjust twenty minutes.That was five hours ago. He’s passed out on my bed with my pillow cuddled into his body.
I close the bedroom door, moving back into the living area to take the seat he occupied all last night. I don’t even know what I’m looking for, but I’m hoping if something important is found, it alerts me by popping up on the screen to save my limited computer skills.
My phone rings. “Hello, brother.”
“Alessia,” he greets. “You seem chirpy.”
“I slept well,” I tell him.
“Can we meet?”
“Not today. Diego is asleep, and when he wakes, I would like to spend more time with him, just he and I. It’s the first time since we were married that I’ve been able to get him to talk to me.”
“He’s acting like a little bitch.”
“Tomorrow, then,” he yields. “Bring your new husband over for lunch. After yesterday’s events, Lorenzo has organized a meeting with Dominic Rein and his son-in-law, Rocco Shay. They’ll be flying in midmorning.”
“Okay. We’ll see you then. Love you.”
“You too.” He hangs up.
It’s after five in the afternoon when Diego finally stirs. He stumbles from the bedroom in only his boxers, scratching his chest absentmindedly and yawning widely. “Fuck. You should’ve woken me,” he murmurs.
“You needed the rest. I’ve kept an eye on your screens. Nothing has popped up that I’ve noticed.”
He nods. “I’m gonna take a shower.”
“Are you hungry?”
He groans. “Fucking starving. I could murder a deep-dish pizza.”