Page 50 of Righteous Deceit

She didn’t come here for me to fuck her like I initially thought.

She came here to confront me about planning her demise.

There is no doubt in my mind that I could fuck her so thoroughly that she’d never recover from the imprint of my cock. But doing so while she’s uncertain and confused doesn’t entice me. Not in the fucking slightest.

I stand straight. “You’ve threatened to kill me every time we’ve come face to face. I would’ve killed any man who dared do the same. I laughed off your last threats as I believed they were your way of hiding how much you wanted me to pin you to the ground and fuck you senseless.”

She straightens her shoulders.

“I’m a loyal fucking soldier, Sia. I’m a capo who cares for nothing and no one. I respect your position in Chicago, but if you ever come intomyhome to threaten me again, this conversation will go very differently.”

“That sounds like a threat.”

I lift a single shoulder. “I wouldn’t be stupid enough to do something so reckless to a boss. But unless you’re ready for me to fuck you, I suggest you leave.”

She turns on the spot, grabs her handbag, and walks toward my front door. I follow her. She waits for me to open the door and pauses at the threshold.

“Like the hunt, I want this conversation to remain between us. I know you owe me nothing—”

I move into her space, dropping my lips to her ear. “Your righteous little visit was admirable. You’re protecting your family. I’m happy for us to remain deceitful for our own personal gain, Sia.”

I step back, and she breathes a sigh of relief.

“I just hope it doesn’t fuck us both in a way that has us buried in the forest instead of chasing one another through it.”

She leaves without another word, and I know the right thing to do, theloyalthing to do is to call Lorenzo right away. Sia all but confessed to a secret that could be their undoing. I don’t know whether the boss would use it to destroy their outfit or sever ties completely to save our family. Either way, I’m not willing to play that card yet. Each path leads to cutting Alessia Bianchi from my life, and while I’m not convinced our connection is safe for either of us, I’m not ready to give it away. Not yet, anyway.



“Amadeo,” I greet warmly as my younger cousin raps his knuckles against the open door of my office. “Did we have a meeting scheduled?” I sit up straighter, reaching for my phone.

“No. Do you have a minute, though? I need to discuss something with you.”

I gesture to the seat across from me. “Shut the door. My reluctant future wife likes to explore the house periodically.”

He closes the door softly, takes the seat I offered, and lays a large envelope across his knees.

“Are you in trouble?”

“No, boss,” he answers easily, and relief courses through me. I have enough on my radar right now. “But I need you to know I come to you with nothing but respect. You have a right to know—”

“Amadeo,” I cut him off quietly.

He gulps. “It’s about Alessia.”

I lean into my desk, my attention caught. “What about Alessia?”

“A lot of talk about her is circulating through the ranks.”

My anger spikes unintentionally. A few, not a lot, but enough of our outfit can’t stomach the idea of a woman sitting higher in the hierarchy than they do. I don’t trust another soul more than I trust my twin sister. She is loyal to the family, yet they still question her abilities. I want to slit every doubter from ear to ear and carve my sister's name into their foreheads for their disrespect, but Alessia quietens my disdain, assuring me their lack of faith means nothing to her.

I raise an eyebrow. “About her, what exactly?”

He clears his throat. “Indiscretions, boss. Their words, not mine. There’s talk, unrest about her lifestyle.”

I despise riddles. I reject the notion of talking in circles to make a point. Owning our words and actions is our only real strength in this world. But people second-guess themselves, afraid of disapproval.