“I’m still not marrying you.”
His smile drops, and he takes the bottle from my grasp, filling his glass and clinking it against mine before it disappears down his throat without so much as a grimace.
“You weren’t wrong. This place is something else,” Lorenzo murmurs from the back seat. He shifts forward, seat belt already removed, looking between the driver and passenger seat to get a better look. “The photos don’t do it justice.”
“It’s beautiful,” Gabriella echoes.
“It’s obnoxious as fuck.” Leo snorts beside me. “But also pimp.”
“Don’t use the phrase pimp, Leonardo.” His brother groans, sitting back in his seat as we pull closer to the front door.
He scoffs. “What do you want me to say? It oozes fucking big dick energy? Look at the place, Enzo. It’s epic.”
“He’s not wrong,” Gabriella agrees.
Lorenzo shifts in his seat, hand still clamped against her thigh, his eyebrow raised in her direction. “Are you serious? You’ve never met Salvatore Bianchi, and you’re commenting on the size of his dick based on the square footage of his house?”
“Husband.” She leans forward and kisses him. “Big dick energy isn’t me measuring up the size of his penis.”
I bite my lip to hide my smirk.
“Big dick energy is more a reference to a person’s confidence without them being cocksure.”
“Everyone, stop saying words referencing Bianchi’s fucking cock.” He massages the bridge of his nose. “Remind me again why we’re all fucking here when I could have done this meeting on my own?”
Leonardo lets go of his laughter.
“Because Bianca and I wanted to see Caterina, and you can’t stand being away from me for more than an hour at a time.”
Lorenzo grabs Gabriella’s sweater and pulls her toward him. That’s my cue to adjust the rearview mirror to remove them from my eyesight. I’ve seen the way the boss feels the need to kiss his wife in the presence of others, and I don’t need a refresher this early in the day.
Salvatore was released from prison less than a week ago, and he’s up in everybody’s shit. He’s making up for lost time, and I’m annoyed that on theoneday of the month I don’t want to be disturbed, I’m being forced to pretend like I give a shit about his and Caterina’s wedding plans.
I pull the car to a stop, and Leonardo and I remove ourselves from the vehicle immediately. Vincent pulls up moments later. Opening Bianca’s car door, he looks at us and then toward the car Lorenzo and Gabriella have yet to remove themselves from.
“What’s going on?”
“Gabriella started talking about the size of Bianchi’s cock,” Leonardo says without a hint of teasing.
“It’s the house,” Bianca concurs as Vincent helps her from the car.
She steps toward the house as Vincent slams the door. She winks at him, but he thwarts her escape when his hands snake around her pregnant belly, and he pulls her back. She arches her neck as his lips meet the exposed skin, words too soft to hear whispered between them.
Leonardo bangs on the window to grab his brother’s attention. “Will you two fucking control yourselves? We’re in enemy territory, and you’re acting like horny teenagers. Find your vigilance.”
One last kiss to Bianca’s cheek, and Vincent straightens his clothes. “Leave your brother. It doesn’t hurt for Bianchi to be kept waiting. Let’s go.”
I want to remind him that we’ve made a habit of making Bianchi wait. First, when Vincent stole his bride, and second, when we assured him that Caterina would be delivered to Chicago when she turned eighteen, only to wait another two years before following through. But I hold my tongue, knowing Vincent already knows that well enough; he just doesn’t fucking care.
Before we can take another step, the front door blows open, and Caterina steps out.
“Bianca!” she squeals, running toward her sister and barging past Leo and me without a glance.
“Cat!” Bianca wraps her in a cuddle tight enough to squeeze her very breath from her body.