
“A few of the girls in my earlier class were talking about you,” I offer to remove the melancholy from his voice.

“Jealous?” He smirks.

I frown.

“Too far?”

I lift my thumb and forefinger, separating them an inch. “Just a lot.”

He laughs easily. “I told my gran I met you. She invited you over for dinner.”

My feet halt their movement once again. “What?Why?”

“Hell if I know,” he says defensively. “She got excited that I’d met my first friend here.”

“I’d hardly call us friends,” I combat.

“Semantics,” he disputes. “Tonight. Seven o’clock. Don’t disappoint my poor sick gran.” He pouts. “I’ll see you then. Gotta run.”

I stand in the hallway as the bell rings, and all the other students move on to their classes. I’m left alone with my shock, trying like hell to understand what just happened.

My feet turn in the direction he jogged away, but I’m greeted with emptiness. Turning back, I lift my leaden feet, dropping them in the direction of my next class.

Sitting in my designated seat, I pray the teacher doesn’t hear the way my cell buzzes in my pocket.

Unknown: Gran wants to know if you have any allergies.

I frown.

Henley: how did you get my #?

Brooks: Told the lady in the office you were my ride home. She knows Gran, she felt sorry for me.

Henley: you just signed her termination slip. Just an FYI. My only allergy is you.

Brooks: Cute. Also, I do need that ride home.

“Something more interesting on your phone than what I’m teaching, Miss Wright?”

My cheeks burn automatically. “Uh. No. Sorry.”

“I thought so. Phone away before I’m forced to confiscate it.”

She would never. I’m too good of a student, but the act is for the rest of the class. An example she needs to set.

Shoving my cell into the bottom of my bag, I ignore my annoying neighbor, irritated by the fact he’s declared us friends.

* * *

I slidemy tray onto the table, hitting it against Addy’s. “Sorry,” I mumble.

“You look extra miserable today. Cute, but super off. What’s up?”

Addy is my one and only friend in this school. More, this entire town. Having psycho parents tends to keep others away, so people keep their distance. It used to upset me, but I can’t blame them. I don’t even want to be around them, and they’re my own flesh and blood.

Ripping along the skin of my banana, I growl. “Nothing. That weird guy I met at my rock started here today. He thinks we’re friends.”