Brooks: How long will you be in Australia?
Henley: Forever?
Henley: Joking. Or not.
Henley: It’s BEAUTIFUL, Brooks.
Henley: You HAVE to visit.
I want to hop on a plane yesterday and meet her in the future.
Brooks: I’ll add it to my bucket list.
Henley: Do. Promise me.
Brooks: For always.
A pause.
I’ve scared her.
Henley: For keeps.
Henley: I really do miss you. I wanted to carve our names into the Great Wall, but I couldn’t bring myself to maim it.
Brooks: Me too.
Henley: I miss our rock.
Brooks: What’s your #?
She sends it without delay, and I grab my cell, texting the photo that sits as my wallpaper, and wait.
Henley: You have a photo of it!!
Brooks: It's my phone background.
My phone rings a second later, and I answer faster than humanly possible.
“Why did we let ourselves get here?”
Her voice sounds so sad. So broken. So much like how I remember it from all those years ago. And all I want to do is crawl through the phone and hug her, reassure her as I used to.
“I don’t know,” I answer honestly.
“Are you happy?” she asks quietly.
“I love my job. I love the places it takes me.”
“That’s not what I asked you,” she pushes.
I sigh. It’s a poignant question. One with an answer I’ve never been game enough to admit, even to myself. “No. I don’t think so.”
“Me either. Being lonely when surrounded by people feels silly, but it’s the only way to describe how I feel.”
I close my eyes.