“The thought of gambling everything I have inside my heart makes me feel physically unwell. But living without you is a life of misery worse than my life with Jacinta and Derrick.”

Fingers dragging across the line of his mustache, he cups his jaw, scratching the dark shadow of hair.

“What do we do?” he murmurs. “Tell me, Henley. Tell me what you want.”

There is no animosity in his tone. Just the same desperation I feel coursing through my veins.

“I’d rather be with you at a distance than not have you at all. There’s no one else for me, Brooks.” My voice cracks and I place a hand over my lips to hide the quiver in my breath. “There has been no one else since you. I know it’s not much and I know it’ll be hard, but . . .”

“I’d do it. Long-distance. I’d do it for you. You’re scared of love and throwing yourself into it without caution isn’t who you are, Squirrel. It’s taken me a long time to realize that. We’ve hurt one another a fucking truckload discovering it, but we’ll only cause ourselves more pain by denying what we want.”

“Each other,” I whisper.

“Each other,” he echoes. “I won’t go years without seeing you, though, Henley. If you’re my girl,reallymy girl, we do this. We’re fucking committed. Six months apartmax. You get me?”

I nod vigorously.

“Now come the fuck here so I can kiss you.”



We decidedto go out to celebrate our new relationship status.

A mixture ofit’s complicatedandin a relationship.

But it’s progress and a major fucking step forward for us both.

In truth, I could never give Henley up. I’d hold on for as long as it took for her to realize she was mine. No matter how dark the road to our ending seemed, there was always light.


While she’s alive and breathing, my light is her.

She spins from my embrace, arms thrown above her head, hips twisting with the beat of the music.

Her dress, nothing but a slip of silk, clings to the curves of her slender frame. The sides cut close to her nipples, teasing at the perky fullness of her tits.

Outside, the temperatures dip below zero, but in here, surrounded by other partygoers, Henley’s body is slick with sweat. Glistening and damp, her long dark hair sticks to her skin, forcing her to lift it off her neck, the graceful column begging for my lips and tongue.

We’ve overdosed on champagne. The carbonated liquid courses through our veins like blood, lowering our inhibitions and sending our libidos into overdrive.

I want her.

Need her.

She moves against my body, her back pressed up against my chest, her pert ass rubbing into the swell of my cock. Hand in her hair, I wrap it around my fist, yanking it sideways to open her neck to my mouth. I let my tongue taste her heat, dragging it the entire way up the column of her neck to the sensitive spotjustbeneath her ear. She groans, the sound only audible to my ears. I suck at her skin, dragging the delicate touch between my teeth as she turns in my arms, letting me claim her mouth.

I lick into her mouth like a starved man. Tongue dragging against hers in possession and infatuation. Henley meets me stroke for stroke, lips pushing against mine in eager submission.

One hand caught in her hair, I hold her to my mouth, refusing to let her go. My free hand brushes down her side, stroking the exposed skin of her tit, swallowing the desperate moan that escapes her throat.

“I need you,” she bites out drunkenly. “Now, Brooks.”

I break our kiss, my thick and heavy breaths brushing the skin of her face in want.

I could take her home, but the thought of delaying the feel of her warm cunt engulfing my straining cock sounds like the worst form of torture.