He’sa part of the reason this happened. He and Jacinta were so poisonous that something this fucked up was going to happen eventually. They claim they love their daughter, but she becomes the collateral damage in a war they’ve wagered between themselves. They just don’t care to see it.

“You okay, sweetheart?”

I turn toward my mother.

“I finally heard from Henley.”

“You did?” She rushes forward, staring at my computer.

Her eyes scan over the screen, swallowing Henley’s words eagerly.

Hand to her chest, she blinks in sadness. “That poor child. What is Jacinta thinking?”

It's a rhetorical question, but I can’t help but answer. “She’s a bitch. Mom, we need to do something.”

“Honey,” she placates, resting her hand on my shoulder. “I wish I could. But all the power resides with Jacinta. Even Derrick’s hands are tied. She’s her mother, and Henley’s a minor.”

I shrug her off in irritation. “That’s bullshit. They’re using her as ammunition against one another. Except the only one who feels the hit is Henley.”

“I know you’re worried,” she implores, “but it will work out. I promise.”

“I hate promises,” I grumble. “They mean shit. You can’t vow that this will work out, so why bother?”

“I’m just trying to remain positive, Brooks.”

“I’d prefer you remain real.”

Despite the somber mood, a knowing grin spreads across her face, a glint of pride in her eye reserved for parents and their children.

“Get her address and we’ll send her a phone today.”

Letting go of a breath I didn’t realize I had been holding, I hug her. “I love you.”

“I know, babyface. I love you, too.”

She leaves me in peace, my fingers wanting to go nuts on the keyboard and send her every thought coursing through my brain.


I’ve been so fucking worried. Derrick told me Jacinta had taken you, but nothing more. He’s a stubborn asshole.

Henley, I’m so fucking sorry. You told me something bad was going to happen. You fucking told me. We should have run away and started our life of wanderlust now.

Mom is going to send you a phone, so send me the address of where you’re staying. Until then, I'll check my email every day. Write as often as you can, okay? I need to know you’re okay.

How is this shit legal? We’ll work it out. We have to. There’s no other option.

I miss you too.


I stare at the screen, hitting refresh almost immediately.

Oh my God, Brooks. I’m so happy to hear from you. I’ve been waiting every day. (But I know you don’t check your emails, so you’re forgiven.)

Not much has changed. She lets me leave the house now. She’s even enrolled me in school. Everything is different here, and I want to come home. It’s like she’s been planning this all her life. She didn’t even put him on my birth certificate. Apparently, he had no idea. So some stupid paternity test and the fact he was never legally recorded as my dad. . . means she can do whatever she wants. She has a job here already. Her friend was some guy she used to date. She’s been using Derrick for his money, biding her time until this guy she’s with now was available again.

I don’t think I’m ever coming home, Brooks. Not until I’m eighteen and can leave on my own.