She no longer argues that reality. She told me once she could never love anyone, that it was too painful. She’d never say it, but I’m the only person Henley Wright loves, and I plan to make sure she does it her whole life.
I slide out of her bedroom window, then turn to watch her do the same.
“Race you!” she yells as she takes off, her long legs moving like a gazelle.
I count to ten before giving chase. Without seeing her face, I know her eyes are closed, her hair wrapping around her face as she creates her own wind. She’s in her element, and she’s at peace, which is why I slow my footing. I’d never let myself overtake her. This is her in her happy place—wild and free. My only charge in life is to nurture that, not hinder it.
Once she's settled on the rock, her chest heaves with her stuttered breaths. “Why do you let me win?”
“I don’t.”
She elbows me. “Now, who’s Pinocchio?”
Lying down with the smoothed rock at my back, I sigh. I can almost feel our carved-out names pressed against my skin. “How can I watch your back if I’m in front?”
She drops back softly, letting her head rest on my chest. “You don’t need to protect me against the world, Brooks.”
“Your parents suck at the job, so it can’t hurt to have someone looking out for you, Henley.”
She lets my words sink in, her body relaxing into mine in appreciation.
“I can’t help but think this all ends badly,” she whispers. “Mom and Dad. How can it not?”
I wish I could fix it for her. I wish I could force her parents to see what their animosity is doing to her. I wish I could make my best friend happy.
“Whatever damage they inflict, we’ll fix it. Together.”
Age 16
She didn’t even letme say goodbye.
I text her again,frowning at my cell screen and the last five messages that have been left unanswered. A feeling I don’t recognize settles in my stomach, sitting heavy with concern. Henley never ignores my calls or messages.Never.
The shrill ring of the school bell startles me, and I feel an uncharacteristic burst of rage at the sound.
Everything is off.
I hit call again, but it doesn’t even ring. Her voicemail greets me almost immediately, telling menotto leave a message.
“Henley, where are you? You told me to meet you here at eight. It’s nearly fucking nine.”
Twisting on my foot, I move into the school building, moving with purpose toward her locker.
“Addy!” I call out, jogging past Henley’s lonely locker toward her. “Have you seen Henley?”
“You’re asking me?”
She makes it obvious enough that she’s never quite forgiven me for stealing her best friend. Snide remarks, favors that she constantly collects on, a constant reminder that I owe her.Understandable, I’d be pissed if anyone tried to move in on my time with Henley.
“She’s late.”
“That’s weird,” she agrees.