“You shouldn’t be here,” Jessica warned with another look toward her town house. Thankfully it was an end unit, so they didn’t have an audience on both sides.

“I wanted to see you before I leave.”

How pathetic. “You should stick with the plans we made. We’ll meet in Atlanta just like we arranged. We’ll fly together from there.”

Lena stared at her for a long moment. Other than the lights on either side of the garage door, they were in darkness. What did this idiot hope to do or to learn by coming here at this crucial juncture?

“I need to know,” Lena finally said, “that you’re going to show up.”

Jessica scoffed. “Of course I’m going to show up. I only have half the PIN. Why wouldn’t I show up?” She was not stupid. This was about the money. What else would she possibly want or need with this person? Hello?

“It’s just that ...” Lena crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t want to be sorry I trusted you, but I’ve been worried since I talked tothat investigator. She is figuring things out way too fast. After all our hard work to make this happen, I just need to be sure you’re not going to let me down.”

Jessica forced a sympathetic face and placed a reassuring hand on her arm. “You have my word, Lena. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. We’re good. Everything is going exactly as planned. We’ll have the world at our feet! All we’ve ever dreamed of and more, because I know how to turn that money into even more.”

Lena nodded. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Jessica smiled, gave her arm a squeeze. “Just keep picturing drinks on the beach, baby. We are on our way.”

Lena disappeared into the darkness, and Jessica relaxed. Fool. Too late for cold feet now. She turned and headed into her house. Thank God she only had to playthisrole one more night.

Whatever possessed her to want a husband?


Thursday, September 22

10:00 a.m.

Ritz-Carlton Hotel

Peachtree Street, Atlanta

Finley walked into the lobby and considered where to begin.

Her first stop after leaving the airport this morning had been a visit to Dyson-Mekler. The receptionist at the front desk had confirmed the photo of Lena Marsh on Finley’s phone as the previous receptionist at the clinic. This was the extent of the information the receptionist would provide. When Finley had pushed, the woman called the practice manager, who had promptly but courteously shown Finley the door.

The confirmation was enough for now. It was enough to validate any further investigation would not be a waste of time and resources.

From now until her flight time, Finley intended to concentrate on whatever she could learn about Grady’s visit here last weekend. Odds were, Winthrop didn’t know why her new husband had made the trip to the Peach State any more than Finley understood the lies her own husband had told.

This is no time for comparing dead husbands.

Experience warned that starting with the check-in desk would be a waste of time. What she needed was an employee who worked elsewhere in the hotel.

Finley made her way to the restaurant. Breakfast was still being served for another half hour. Not that she was hungry, but she could use more coffee. The hostess showed her to a table. Before the woman could slip away, Finley flashed a pic of Grady and asked if she recalled seeing him there the week before. Ginger, according to her name tag, smiled and said she’d only started on Monday.

As soon as the hostess had floated away, another, younger woman, Dawn, materialized at Finley’s table. Same coordinated charcoal-and-white attire.

Finley waited through her practiced spiel about the breakfast options. Only one other waitress appeared to still be on duty at this hour. There were just two customers besides Finley. Most people had left the hotel already, headed into their day of business or pleasure.

“I would love a bagel,” Finley said. “And coffee, please.”

Dawn smiled. “Anything else? We offer a lovely fruit plate. Perhaps a nice spread for your bagel.”

Finley paused. “There is one other thing I’m hoping you might be able to help me with.” She reached into her pocket for the two fifty-dollar bills she’d tucked there for just this moment. She placed the bills on the table and reached for her cell next. She showed Dawn a pic of Grady. “Do you remember seeing this man here last week? Maybe on Friday or Saturday?”

Dawn made a sad face. “I was off last Friday and Saturday.” She moistened her lips, glanced at the bills, then across the room at the other waitress. “I’m sure Maya was here. She works the breakfast shift all the time. She’s worked here a long time.” She shot another look at the bills on the table. “I’ll check with her.”