A moment passed, and then, once more, forks scraped china. Stemware moved to thirsty lips.

They were fine.

It would be over soon.

This was as it should be.

Ellen forced herself to swallow a bite of perfectly sautéed chicken. Some part of her had changed during the past few days. She didn’t feel herself.

Still, she had no regrets.

This project had been the proper choice, no matter that certain missteps had occurred. No matter that she might yet lose more. Regrets changed nothing and wasted valuable time.

She surveyed the table ... watched the women who had been at her side all these years.

No, there would be no regrets. But there would be pain. The idea that the missteps might have been purposely made was like a stake driven deep into her heart.

Could she trust that it wouldn’t happen again?

Ellen reached for her wine, her hand shaking despite her best efforts.

She could not.


The Other Woman

11:30 p.m.

Lauder Residence

Twelfth Avenue South, Nashville

Jessica parked in her driveway, too mentally exhausted to bother with the garage. Her idiot husband always took up more than his half of the space, which made parking problematic.

Tonight she had bigger frustrations than him. She was furious. So furious. Ellen thought she had everything under control.

Jessica would see about that.

She emerged from her Lexus and slammed the door. How dare Ellen use Jessica and then just pretend everything was fine. Ellen had no idea what was coming. All her reassurances and platitudes would prove hollow.

The others would soon see who was the most brilliant of all. Jessica smiled. How divine this was going to be.


Startled, she whirled toward the voice.


Horror rushed through Jessica. What the hell wasshedoing here? She glanced around to ensure her husband wasn’t on the upper-level patio watching. He was like that. Always in her business. Always asking questions.

“What are you doing?” Jessica hissed in a stage whisper. “You know better than to come to my home. Especially now.” She glanced around again. At some point all those forensic reports were going to come back, and her new partner was going to be very surprised at what they found.

If Jessica was lucky, that information wouldn’t be released until she was out of this damned town.

The more immediate issue was, How had Lena gotten here? There was no car parked along the alley. She must have parked on another street and walked over. Good God! She could have been seen by a neighbor! Jessica took a breath. She had to stay cool. Play the part.

“I took care of everything just like you said,” Lena whispered, not nearly quietly enough, as she moved closer.